Saturday, December 27, 2008

So, What are your favourite movies of all time?

This is the lead in to a recent discussion that I had with my brother and his wife. My answer is difficult to confine, because I can't really say any movie specifically, I've just never been fully reached by any movie to the point I'd call it a favourite. I've liked a lot of movies for a lot of different reasons and I can only watch a few over and over, and even those I can't do for extended periods of time. In the interest of coming to some answer to the question I'll just have to put a list up and explain why they're high on my list...somewhat categorical as well:

Donnie Darko: has been one I liked a long time; existential love story; the directors cut did more to bash you over the head with existential arguments, the original was much better and subtle.

Star Wars: A "western" in space, what more could a guy want... only the original 3 do I really favor.

Indiana Jones: A "western" treasure hunt, just plain good adventure. Again, only the original 3, lets not even mention that last atrocity....

American Psycho: Just a great criticism of 80's society and some great acting by Christian Bale...perhaps a bit morose.

Young Guns: A really fun western shoot em up!

Alien: One of the best Sci-Fi horror/thriller films with one vicious alien.

Aliens: This time a great action Sci-Fi film.

Moulin Rouge: Tragic love and music, I just think it was a fun film.

Virgin Suicides:

Dune: The idea of a messiah is always interesting to me. A vast nothingness has always enticed me that there is something more beneath the surface...

There are more I plan to identify, but I'll have to come back to this...

Friday, December 26, 2008

2009 looks to be the year

I see no obstacles to it happening. I've had the will for ages. I've been a member of the fan club for the past year. U2 is threatening to tour, supporting their new album! I will see them this time!

I fell in love with the band with the 'Achtung Baby' album. During the ZooTV tour I was 14 or 15 I believe, and just missed the opportunity to see them. My sister-in-law had won tickets to the show; I really wanted to go, but age and circumstance prevented it. Every subsequent tour U2 went on I never got to go for one reason or another. Usually when they were in town it was during finals week so I couldn't go; Popmart tour - I had finals, Elevation tour - actually saving my money for a trip and I wasn't loving the album, Vertigo tour - probably the closest I've come to seeing them since ZooTV but I just couldn't commit to seeing the last show in Boston and tickets were pricey.

This time I'm planning ahead, saving the money, and going to go no matter what I think of the next album! There is no reason for me not to see them this time around and I deserve it!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Art - another self portrait

I admit I'm a narcissist, but here is a self portrait I did recently that I've received some praise for; you be the judge! I do think it makes me look sad, which, SURPRISE, I'm not!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sometimes I just want to drive until my iPod runs out of music

And by sometimes I mean lately that's been most times!

No! I'm not trying to escape anything right now, but I don't think you could blame me. No, it's just that I have a lot of good music and I just want to keep going and going and...

I do also have a lot of wanderlust at this time. I'm coming to an understanding of how little of this world I've seen and how much of it I do care to see. So, I'm thinking I should just keep going. I have made some awesome drives in my day, but I'd like to take some time with them from now on. I mean, the whirlwind drive non-stop from Nashville, TN to Boise, ID will always be epic in it's sheer scale and impetuousness, but I'd really like to take the time to actually see what there is to see between here and there, where ever that might be.

And, yes, I would like to get away a bit. I mean, jeez, things have been dreadful lately and this cold weather is getting to me!

If I haven't put this up here yet, I should have

And what would this blog be without some music!!! Probably one of my current favourite videos/remixes, not to detract from the original, Feist '1 2 3 4' Van She Tech remix to 'My Moon' video:

And the original:

Working on some things for this one

Lately I've been doing some things I've been meaning to do and I've come across some old journal entries and things that I'm hoping to put up here. I've already posted up some entries from 2002 you can find in the blog archives. Things from when I was quite a bit more philosophical and a bit younger too.

Posted up an old draft from earlier this year reflecting on Kenya and I. It no longer applies, so it's there and I don't have much else to say about it...

Also I'm working on some other posts from old things I've found and thoughts I'm ruminating over. I found some old correspondence between an old girlfriend and I and re-read it and found some good advice/observations on her part that I need to remember; I'll share those. Also found a autobiography I started, might work on that for you. Also an account of the trip Kenya and I took to London, I'm going to see if I can get some help to flesh that out and get it on here. Finally, there are a few things on my mind that just are the usual for this blog, so... sometime, I guess.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The unnatural yellow of yellow mustard.

I admit, I like the stuff. I've liked it since I was a child, but I also like most other mustard... Still, is it me or has the yellowness of yellow mustard gotten to some extremely weird hue? I don't think it was ever any natural yellow color, but now it seems to have gone to some point off the scale of what's natural or appetizing. Maybe it is the fluorescent lighting, maybe my eye's are bad(partly true), maybe it's trying to get peoples attention, and maybe the yellow 5 and yellow 6 got mixed wrong; but it really seems to be this almost neon yellow color. In quantity it looks like bright vomit(sorry that's gross), and when you spread it out you could simulate the sun it's practically blinding! I'm tempted to use it as paint for anything I want to see at night, maybe they should use it for street signs etc etc. It's just so obscene.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The progress of my typical head cold.

This is just so I can try and remember what to expect in the future.

Day 1. Feel a little tickle in my nose/sinus.
Day 2. Begin to feel a dry/scratchyness in the back of my throat/sinus.
Day 3. Cold sets in, sore itchy throat, congestion.
Day 4. More of the same. Fever/chills start in the evening. Lot's of hydration.
Day 5. Begin expectorating, congestion is reducing, big sleep.
Day 6. Expectorating continues, sore throat gone, no congestion. Feel good enough to do anything.
Day 7. Still very dry sinuses. Occasional cough.
Day 8. More of the same, but feeling well enough in general.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm trying to remember something interesting

but I really can't. I've got a lot of thoughts circling my little head, but don't want to jump the gun by blurting them out here, and the rest are just things that will be answered very soon anyhow...

Ah, yes, I remember, a conversation I had recently about the relationship between Kenya and I. No, this is not a lament, just a matter of fact; the question being, "If you two were together for so long, why didn't you get married?"

To understand where that question comes from you'd have to know that we were together for AGES(6 years). The simple answer is that she and I, always in conversation, agreed that we never would get married, that we didn't need it, and it wasn't necessary for our relationship to progress. It started out that we agreed that we weren't "forever." I always felt that she needed to be free and not settle down soon. That also applied to me, I never felt I was ready for that, and even if I was, I wouldn't have known.

After we'd agreed we weren't "forever," things just progressed as they might. We shared all the good things in a relationship and very few of the bad. I guess in that progression "forever" for me became marriage, and for her... well, honestly it never, ever, came up or I never heard it from her.

A long time later, and some of my own mistakes, looking back I can say we got into a rut and neither of us had the time to do anything about it. We both were back in school, me finishing my degree and her part way through, both working. We rarely saw each other, I had little time for anything and when I did I wasn't the most pleasant, always having things on my mind... Communication broke down and ultimately I was so focused on school I didn't see breakdowns in our relationship. I still had faith we didn't need marriage, faith in our relationship, and I'm sure she believed I'd be reluctant to marry or engage since we'd always agreed that we weren't "forever."

All in all, it just never really came up as a serious conversation and by the time it probably should of, we were both beyond anything like that.

Now I'm just beyond.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saw some Art in Seattle

There weren't any specific exhibits that I liked, but I did identify a few peices that I really liked.
Leaves, by Gloria Petyarre
Jessica Penn in Black With White Plumes, by Robert Henri

And, strangely I really was drawn to Remington; specifically, Outlaw by Frederic Remington

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Here's something I've really been considering.

It's often said 'patience is a virtue,' and I think I'm a pretty patient person.  What I'm wondering about lately is, what am I being patient for?  What is so virtuous that my patience is warranted?  I don't have anything particular in mind, just in general what and why am I waiting?  Am I missing something while I'm being patient?  Just a thought really...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Seattle's nice in the sunlight.

For the longest time I've never been a real fan of Seattle.  I always get strange looks from people when I reveal that, but honestly it's just never held that much appeal to me.  This is not to say that I'd ever turn down an opportunity to go to Seattle, see the sights, etc etc...  I've just never had the same feeling for Seattle that I do for anywhere else I've had the chance to go; call is "wanderloathe" maybe.  

Recently I've had to be up in Seattle often, unfortunately I've had to be inside most of that time, but I have to admit it's growing on me a bit.  No, I don't think I'll ever find it terribly endearing...  I've been fortunate enough to see it often enough on sunny days that it makes it much more appealing;  Also, I've had the fortune to spend some time with a good friend of mine Allan.  He had to work often, but getting the chance to see the cit from his point of view is certainly better than being a total stranger... 

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Guess who's coming to town

A little surprise for me and a huge surprise that she's actually going to stop in the Tri-Cities for a gig. The one and only 'My Brightest Diamond' An excellent artist out of Brooklyn, if I recall correctly. I was introduce to her music I think a year or two ago for the "Day Trotter Sessions," and was really impressed with her voice. I'm anxious to see her live and looking forward to the show; 11/17, The Red Room, 8pm, 711 Vineyard.

Hopefully I'll have my health enough to go!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Figured I better get something up here.

Got a new CD in the mail today, all the way from AUS(OZ). Been waiting a bit for it and was concerned it might get lost in the move, but it came!!! The Bang Gang, D is for Disco, E is for Dancing, a follow up to their Light Sound Dance double from what seems like only a few months ago, but I guess it was more like a year. It's another jam packed discoey dancey hand clappy thing as they do best. Being for AUS they feature several nods to Australian artists and songs, which are of fine with me since I seem to be picking up a fair share of artists from there. Stand outs are the always pleasant Fred Falke; so synthy Cut Copy; and some new noise from TMVR!!!

That's it, not much going on else...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Something that makes me smile

The accessibility of Drum and Bass and it's producers. Now, I'll be the first to admit that Dn'B isn't the most lovable music out there, but I can think of a lot worse. Never-the-less, I fell in love with the music many years back, as in over 13; wow, it's really been that long! That's probably the longest most consistent thing I've got, and these day's it's been much less significant to me; getting old I guess? I digress, one thing I've always appreciated about it is how easily I've been able to get in contact with the producers of songs that I really like. Not all the time, but more so than not. It's really a close knit group that significantly utilizes the internet for all facets of the genre; the subculture surounding it onto production across borders and oceans and naturally distributiona nd promotion. I'm smiling now because I got a responce from a producer about one of his songs I've heard demos of recently, 'Cloudspotter', by Simon V. Thankfully this song will see release soon on the "'Ambassadors 4' compilation, coming out early next year on!" Yay for transparency and Thanks for the good song. Hear a sample.

Now playing: Cloudspotter
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Beaming joy.

As in that beaming smile when you are so proud of yourself, or having so much fun, or so in to what ever you're doing. Am I getting old, or has it just been forever since I've seen that? Until recently... When I was introduced, and by introduced I mean watched some video's/heard some songs, to the two man band, Matt & Kim. I haven't really tried to determine if they're a couple, but it sure seems that way. When they are playing their music, all I can focus on is how beaming her smile is as she beats on those drums. It's so refreshing to see this person up on stage playing their heart out and loving every minute of it, so much that they just can't contain themselves! I can't really tell if he smiling since he's got a microphone in from of his face, but I'm starting to think maybe so? Either way, it's just cool to see someone that happy about what they're doing, and it's infectious; now to find some more!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An old item from way back

So I was rummaging through some of my old things today, kind of throwing things out, kind or organizing, etc etc when I cam across a little"ticket" from ages ago. It was when I was 19 or so, the first night I met Tera, if recollection serves me. The circumstances of that part of my life mean that this was some sort of clandestine engagement in a dark building in Spokane, which housed a party. This was one of the more memorable ones because the location was really interesting, the lighting was simple and effective, and there was an interesting theme to the party. At the entrance to the party, at the back of this old brick building, and beyond the "coat check," was a gift alter with little knick-knacks and doo-dad's that you could take. Strewn across it also were these little tickets; the subject of this post. I didn't want to take anything big and grabbed one of the tickets without looking at it. On the ticket in bold print were four phrases which I have always felt related to me in some weird, some would call it karma, way. So, I happened upon this ticket and here I post these four phrases; I'll leave it to my friends to let me know if it really relates or I'm just being fanciful:

a night in june
a pleasant smile
a short-cut
a long vacation

There you have it, just as it was printed. Bonus points for anyone who knows the name of the game this ticket belongs to; the back of the ticket has a marching bugler type character with a suitcase that has the words "Russell Games" written on it? Super mega bonus points for anyone who was there and recognizes anything I've described or can name that party? Building details are that at the time it was used for Paint balling and the walls were painted black!!!

I threw it away.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Running (ACTUALLY)Saved My Life

I swear this, and I will do everything in my power to keep running as long as I live. The story is simply this; I was training for a marathon, running often and at most opportunities. I ran with my pack so I could go play ULTY, a running game. Then I'd run home. I ran miles and miles, I ran into injury and was pissed with the downtime. I ran and I ran, then I ran some more. Occasionally I'd get sore and think I'd pulled something, so I'd rest. This usually relieved the pain, but after a while the pain didn't go away as quickly as I was used to(overnight). At this point I did something about it. Started seeing doctors etc etc. If it wasn't for my diligent running, the pain I was noticing might never have been noticed as soon nor treated with such urgency and could have become a much more serious condition. Thanks to running, we caught it early and I'm thankful for that. Here's that story;

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Kate Bush is saving my life

I swear it. For the past dew days I've been listening to Kate Bush and it is really impressing me how much I enjoy her music. I remember her 80's hit "Cloudbusting," from various 80's compilations I've received. I've liked the song, not blown away by it, but found it pleasant. Anyhow, I was recently reading a blog in which one of the contributors dared another to perform The Sensual World at karaoke. Although an inside joke, I was really taken with the song; somekind of sensuality I'm trying to find in myself again, I guess. So the song really impressed me and I went out and got a bunch more of Kate Bush's music, watching videos etc etc. I know she's not the next big thing, but I have to say I'm really impressed with her music, her artistry and work in general. She is a unique artist and shouldn't be overlooked.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Best live performance picture I've seen.

Although I'm a fan boy of Crystal Castles, you can't dismiss the fact that this has to be the coolest photos of a live performance.

-- Alice Glass of Crystal Casltes. -Credit to Fraser C's buddy icon

Fraser C

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The short list

I made a short list of things I'd like to get done before to long. Updated 12/09

To Go:
Gold Coast, Australia - visit my cuz' there
Ireland - must do a biking tour of the whole dang thing.
6 month tour of Europe - backpacks and hostels
Mongol Rally!!!
Exuma Cays - Kayaking

To Do:
B.A.S.E. Jump
Learn a musical instrument
Learn a new language

To See:
U2 - I got my tickets!!!

- this is noisey, you've been warned.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

My first surgery, woo woo! (Adenopathy)

I went in for surgery for the first time in my life a bit ago. I was very excited, not nervous but anxious, for it as it was my first. I don't live far for the surgery center, so I walked down. I arrived and checked in. I was in the waiting room for not long at all, and a nurse came and escorted me back to a room for pre-op. I stripped down and put on my gown with the little stockings that they have you get in. The nurse started me on an IV of electrolytes/saline, and took my temperature and general bio-info. The first doctor to see me was my anesthesiologist; she was a nice woman who looked extremely familiar to me, but I couldn't place her. I think she just has one of those faces that is common, in a good way. While I was speaking with the anesthesiologist, telling her I wanted local anesthesia only, my surgeon came in and marked on me where he wanted the incision. After that the surgical nurse came and wheeled me into the operating room. There, I was helped onto the operating table and covered with some sheets. After a bit the anesthesiologist began to administer the local and then the surgeon began. After a little bit I began to feel a bit of what seemed to be slicing, which I mentioned. After that, I didn't feel anything else. The anesthesiologist was at my head, and kept speaking to me which was nice. She told me when it was out and I asked if I could see it. A little later, they showed it to me and I was surprised how big it was. It wasn't long and they said I was all done and they began having me get up and out, back to the pre-op waiting area. I sat there a while with the nurse and the anesthesiologist. They left what they took out of me, and I grabbed it and tried to get a better look at it. The nurse asked if I wanted my sister, and I said if she wanted to come back it'd be fine. After that, we waited a bit until they said I could go, and they wheeled me out to my sister in her truck.

Overall this was a really pleasant experience, I'm healing well, and I have no predjudice against seeing the doctor in the future. I await my biopsy results...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My 9/11 Memorial

I honestly don't think much about it, but, I do remember a time I'd been there, which I'm thankful for.

It was 99/00, New Year's time; Kenya and I had gone to New York for it. This was, I think, her first time out east; mine too. I'd wanted to go to New York for a long time, and New Year's always meant a lot to me, so it was perfect. Kenya was always up for travel. As it happened the World Trade Center was one of the sites I was keen to visit. I had no idea what I was in for, I just knew it was in New York... We took the subway, everywhere and, down to the World Trade Center. We exited the train and to our equal surprise, even dismay, we entered a mall that was located under the World Trade Center. I don't think either of us could believe it, and we were a little bit taken aback by the existence of a mall beneath the World Trade Center, it was just so tacky, so American. We made our way up to the ground levels of the World Trade Center, coming up an escalator into the North Tower, I believe. We started walking around and, noticing a huge line, we weren't sure what it was for. We walked up to a gentleman working at the elevator and quizzed him about what was going on:
"What's the line for?"

Going up to the observation deck, sir.

"Oh, How long does that take?"

4 Hours, sir.

"How can we get up there right away?"

There is a half hour wait for a table at the restaurant, sir.

"Can we get a reservation?"

Black shoes and tie required sir.

"Oh, ok thanks!"

And with that we walked away and continued to explore the grounds of the World Trade Center and take it in. I did get to see it, to gaze up from the ground as it reached to the sky, to admire the unique architecture. I was disappointed that we didn't get to go up to the top, but I was glad we were together in New York; it was such a mild winter and we saw so much of the city.

When we went back to New York for 00/01, we didn't even bother with the World Trade Center, just kept to ourselves a bit, it was such a cold winter, it was so fun to see New York in a white out... It was that morning of 9/11/01 when Kenya's mother called us, telling us to turn on the television. We were both getting ready for work and found this request rather odd and tedious, but I turned it on and couldn't believe my eyes, thought it was a hoax, but never once felt fear. I was angered that Kenya and I hadn't made it up to the top of those buildings, was disappointed. It wasn't until they came crashing down that I really felt more glad that we had actually been there.

When I reflect on it now, I'm very glad we actually saw the World Trade Center, were among the towers, and have that experience. I would only change my reaction to being told, "black tie and shoes;" I'd have gone back down to that mall and we could have bought nice new clothes, just so we could have lunch up there...I always think like that now, just do what it takes to get the most out of any moment, make the moment, because it's the only thing for sure.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Memory Re-Enactment 1

This is a memory about 7 or 8 years old. Special thanks to Terry and Kenya(yes, really) for adding to the story details. Names changed to protect the innocent.

It was the weekend, date I can't confirm. My buddy Terry was down from Spokane for a party, I was with Kenya at the time. Evening started typically, Terry's friend was throwing a party at the tunnel; an old railroad tunnel under the interstate near the Washington/Oregon border. Vodka and Gatorade were involved. The genius behind this was myself, believing it to be better than mixing it with anything else...could have been wrong there? We mixed the drinks in the Jack in the Box parking lot on 395. Terry had some rum and mixed that with soda he bought at Jack in the Box. I don't know if I drank on the drive down there, but I doubt it. We made the drive, I drove. It was dark, it was warm, we got there and Terry and I started drinking.

There were a few people there already, a lot of cars lined the road and we had to park a ways back. Terry and I took our Gatorade bottles mixed with vodka and walked up to the tunnel.

Halfway down the tunnel, a table was set up with speakers and turntables. There was a generator out the back of the tunnel. Quite a few people were in the tunnel, lingering about, or on their way. Kenya arrived later with some friends and we met up later. We walked into the tunnel; since Terry was going to be playing, I brought my records just in case. The acoustics in the tunnel were horrible, “like playing in a ventilator shaft.”
It was going to be a while before Terry got to play, so we went on exploring the area; there was another cave further down the road.

Kenya and I walked on down the road, out the tunnel, into the cool night air.

It was a beautiful summer night and we were up for "adventure." It was only a short distance to the next cave and we all walked there. Terry hung back because he’s more social than I am, and was talking to a lot of his friends. I was hesitant to go into the dark cave without any light, it was so dark and the cave seemed so vast.

We continued inside, and the cave seemed so huge, almost like there was a cavern inside. We caught up with a few people in the cave and tried to look around a bit, then continued on.

Because it was night, the cave seemed to go on and on, but it finally did come out and all we could hear was other people talking and the river water. Terry came through a bit later, walking through the second cave, telling the girls that were with him to hold him because he was scared, which was some bullshit he made up so women would touch him in the dark and he didn't have to pay for it.

We all headed down closer to the water and while Kenya went with some friends to a rock formation that was jutting out into the river, I began speaking with a couple of guys who wanted to go up on the cliffs. They seemed like nice guys and together we went up a steep trail to the cliff above.

The hike seemed pretty short. We got up there and were looking around. I've always been afraid of heights, and I wasn't anxious to step so close to the edge. We rummaged around up on the cliff for a while until someone got the bright idea to start throwing rocks into the river; probably me. I loved this idea and began merrily chucking rocks off the cliff and shouting "boom sha-la," “oh gosh!” and other classic Jungle MC phrases. Terry was down below with Brittany and a few other people when I was up above chucking rocks, screaming. Kenya was still with people out on the rock outcropping as some of these rocks seem to have come very near to hitting them.

This went on for several minutes until I heard Kenya screaming my name as she stormed up to the cliff, "Adam, what the hell are you doing?" "There are people down there, you could've hit someone!" Not to be misunderstood I tried to point out, “I’m not throwing the rocks at the people, I’m throwing them to the water.” This didn’t help my case and she was very angry with me; read me the riot act as she marched us all down the slope back the tunnel.

It was a gentle slope back to the tunnel and was traversed with ease, even in my condition. We walked under the power lines and could hear the loud hum from overhead.

When we got back to the tunnel Terry was up to play, he played for a while and then let me play for a bit. I really messed it up because I was not at all sober, and the acoustics mentioned earlier, but I had fun. Later, I went to the car and passed out for a long while. I awoke when the police came and broke the party up, sending everyone home, stating that they could see our lights from across the river and that it was a dumb place to have a party because of that. Terry must have left earlier with someone else because he only remembers me telling him about the cops, and I know it was late because a lot of people had already left and there were a lot less cars on that little road.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My first skydive

I remember about 4 years ago, my girlfriend at the time had wanted to go skydiving. I was always concerned about the cost, but we DID go. I had always been trying very hard to find things that she and I could do together. We had a lot in common, did many things together, but I was keen to keep things interesting between us and do many different things together. With that intention, I got really into the idea of getting certified to skydive and even bought the SIM manual to study and train for certification so we could jump without assistance. That wasn't quite what she had in mind, but she sure wanted to skydive.

We finally made arrangements to dive that summer. The day finally came around and it was a beautiful clear sunny day, like so many of them are around here. We met with her friend and some family at the airport and then went through a brief training video. Then, it was out to the plane. The plane could only take 4 people at a time, and since we were required to jump tandem we had to split up between either me and my girlfriend, or she and her friend. Pleasantly my girlfriend stuck with me and after we watched her friend dive it was finally our turn. We put on our jump suits and packed into a plane you WOULD want to jump out of, with 2 dive instructors who would be our tandem jumpers. She was with the tall guy, I was with the round guy. The plane took off and it seemed like it took forever to get us into the sky. On the flight up we could see all kinds of things; my house, her house, LIGO, Hanford reach, all of the cities etc etc. It was a really cool view. The way we were loaded into the plane made it such that she would jump first and I would jump second. It went just like that; she jumped, with her tandem jumper, and they were gone, gravity works, then it was my turn. My tandem jumper and I moved to the edge of the plane and I sat out, looking down for my girlfriend/her jumper. Immediately I felt sick because I couldn't see them, the next thing I hear, "keep your eyes open, I'm going to flip you." And then we were gone. I kept my eyes open, watched as the plane seemed to just lazily drift away, and then I was looking at the ground again, and looking and looking. It really felt like a long time; I was able to look around, notice a few things and take in that you actually get to freefall for a fair amount of time. I finally saw my girlfriends shoot, and felt a lot better; by the time I was taking that in he pulled the shoot and we began the float down to the landing pad. My tandem jumper gave me the cords to steer for a while, but my arms began to cramp up and he took them back and we slowly made so arcs as we came into the landing zone. We landed and all was well, but when people came up to me they said I looked sick.

I told them all that I was just afraid of heights, but that was never the whole truth. Yes, I was/am afraid of heights, but what really got me so sick was when, looking off the edge of that plane, looking for my girlfriend, looking for her shoot, and not seeing any sign of them; all the horrible thoughts that I had, that I had lost her, that she had died, that I'd never see her again, witnessing something that horrible, it all scared me so sick, but I could never and never did tell her...

Now, I'm suddenly interested in diving again and I just may have to pursue that if I get any time.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

How would you spend your time?

This question was emailed to me by a friend at work:
Living in a realm where anything is possible, if you were now living in the big city of your choice (NY, London, Dublin, etc.) and you earned enough money where your bill were paid with extra spending money, what kind of activities would you be doing? How would you spend your time?

My answer:

Sorry, this is all kinds of scatter brain.

Ok, well, I’d definitely try to get a lot of culture, ie theatre and the arts. I really do enjoy being active, so that would be a big part of my life. I realize I gravitate toward more counter culture activities, so I’d do things like that, but I’m also interested in traditional sports so I’d like to do those. In addition to theatre and arts I’d go to sporting events, but mostly with friends as a social activity. Music of course is a given, I’d try to stay as on top of music as I do now and go to shows, but still remain selective and not just go for the sake of going, as in, I like the Rolling stones, but I don’t need to see them. I would travel for any of the activities mentioned above. I would celebrate birthdays in grand style. I would drive fast all the time, not reckless, but you know. I guess I would really try to be a “renaissance man,” and try my best at many things, concentrating on a few. Being a gentleman is important to me so I’d do my best at that. Ultimately I’d be at home as little as possible but have as much fun as possible. Along the travel lines, I’d definitely try to do epic type of trips, like snowboard vacations to Russia, scuba in the Caribbean, etc etc.

This all makes me think about a phrase that’s been circling my head for ages now: “everything, all the time” as in I’d like to do everything all the time, but it’d best be stated as “anything, anytime.” This is of course within certain constraints, I’d don’t want to engage in anything base or morose. I also wrote a blog about how I want to do many things but not get mired down in all the politics/lifestyle that seems to come with them, and that is speaking to me now, as in I’d want to do many of these things, but don’t want to make it a constant. If that makes sense.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Google apps is super

I've been geeking out for the past couple of days on google apps. I'd been threatening to put some pictures on Picasa for sometime... I finally followed through, it's easy and seems secure also. I only posted one album of my roommate Jon, friend Mark, and I hiking the Multnomah Falls area. It was one wet trip; had been totally clear on the drive down there and as soon as we got there it started raining...for the whole hike. The other cool goggle app I've been impressed with is reader. All I can say is, 'slick!" I never realized, 1. how much stuff I read on the interwebz, 2. how much other stuff I want to read. I'm such a consumer of information. I subscribed to my friends blogs, several music blogs, and several news sites esp New York related(call me crazy). Now if Google can just come up with a calorie calculator, workout tracker, food journal, and etc etc... Maybe I'll send them a note

Now playing: Girl Talk - Feed the Animals
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another reply to my neice...

eeek, so you had to ask didn't you!?!?! Well, lets keep it honest here... Running is in sad shape. I've not been able to get back into the groove since my injury in May. Yes, May. I've just found too many diversions and excuses, and constantly threatening to get back into it... I haven't forgone fitness or anything, just been biking more than anything.(I love my new bike, it's a speed thing...) I'll just be getting back into my normal schedule which had me up to 9's/13's when I was injured. We should do some runs together for sure, when you're here, we'll all go, the whole ollython and then some, eh? No idea if Grandma will do it, but that could be interesting...She's pretty tough! Don't know about your parents either, the more I read the more I'm thinking it'd be good to have people available at certain points to, yes, cheer us on, but also provide various snacks that we've trained on and know will contribute to our know? Times haven't been to bad I'd say, but I definitely need to step it up to get to Boston. My short track is really decent in my opinion, but I'm still shooting for faster. I turned in a sub 6' over 2 miles, so I'm pleased, but need to go a lot longer to make it count. We can do this, all of us! I just need to quit loafing. Enjoy your adventure there, I brag about it and I know your dad does too!
Now playing: Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Make Me Smile
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Best Luck EVAR!

Oh My Goodness! What an awesome weekend I had, just a little too short. A huge thank you to Kelly and her friend Michelle and Tiffany for showing me a good time out on the boat, it was a real pleasure and getting all that sun was just wonderful!

I normally have Fridays off, but I stepped up and offered to cover for someones vacancy so that cut into my weekend. I left work Friday and did a bunch of errands at home, just trying to get everything straightened up. I resisted the urge to go see 'The Dark Knight,' but may not be able to much longer. Kept doing chores and tried to get to bed at a decent hour since I was going boating Saturday.

Saturday morning came and I was barely ready when Kelly let me know they were leaving so I could meet them at the boat launch. I grabbed my stuff as fast as I could and got on the road, but I still had to do a couple errands before I got out of town. I did those and right when I was getting out of town, Kelly asked me to grab a few things from the store. I grabbed those and was on my way. I had bought one of those Styrofoam coolers and was filling it with ice and soda, from the store, when I noticed Kelly unloading at the dock, this was about 10:30. I ran over to see if I could assist and immediately got in the water, which was surprisingly warmer than I expected. As we were loading the cooler onto the boat it totally exploded and the contents went everywhere.... It wasn't a total loss, but it was a mess. We got that cleaned up and got out on the boat, heading up river to a little bank where quite a few others were out partying and having a good time.

We stopped in and hung out with everyone there listening to music dancing, and just gathering the rays. People came and went, but overall we stuck around that area. We did some runs back to the dock a couple of times to get or drop off people and when we did that we would fool around int he wake or jump off the boat or whatever. It was fun and I was still amazed the water wasn't half freezing. It was really nice. On the 'beach' some of the boats had awesome stereos and they were playing tunes. Overall it was pretty mellow and enjoyable. No big problems were encountered to my knowledge and drama was minimal, thank goodness. I did a lot of mingling and trying to be conversational for the duration. At about sunset we started to head in and I helped them load the boat back up, set up their camp and fire and just hung out chatting. It was important to me to make some form of an apology to Kelly for being a jerk that last time I saw her, so I did that. I'm glad to have another friend again! While we wer sitting around chatting and eating I was sitting by the camp fire and I heard a rustling but thought it was the wind. All of a suddent eh girls jumped up and took off running the opposite direction shouting that there was a skunk, I couldn't believe it! I was affraid to get sprayed so I sat still for a while and then slowly made my way to the picnic table to grab a flashlight. I made it to the light and scanned aroudn for the skunk and finaly saw it down by the tall grass gnawing on something, it looked like a hot dog. I tried to scare the thing off but was afraid it would spray. It was actually kind of cute. It finally decided to move off when the girls came over after I said it was cute. I grabbed what it had been eating and threw it out towards the water. I finally pulled myself away at midnight and drove home, it was a great day! thank you Kelly, Tiffany, and Michelle!

Proof I'm pretty dang lucky(yes, I'm in there somewhere)!
Now playing: Break - Enigma
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sun, Rafting and Bar-B-Q

I have to admit I'm still threatening to get back on top of my running habit, but I've still been biking tons, it's good! I really like my new bike and I'm nearly convinced to get some clip-in's but the ones I'd like are so dang expensive... I'll wait.
I did do a running competition last week though, it was probably the most horrible day to run so far. There was a lot of wind and blowing dust, I swear I inhaled enough to make me sick. It was a small field of runners due to the weather I suppose, but I stuck with it and was able to get 2nd in my age group. The next one will be better, especially since the weather will be... I hope! My time was slower than I expeced, but I do blame the wind for that, as well as the fact I rode my bike over to the site, that was 11ish miles. Good cross-training, just not so good before a running race. The ride back was horrible as there was a complete and total headwind. I didn't try pedaling hard against it, but I tried to keep pedaling. It must have take twice as long to get back home as it did to get to Pasco.
My sister finally got me in the boat with her on the brand new "Blue Steel" raft. It was my first float and was pretty good. The water was freezing and nobody went in, but we did get splashed and that was freezing. We floated the same part of the river twice, and finished the day with a stop at the local Bar-B-Q which, according to my roommate, was suitable. I'd consider himt he expert in this regard as he is very zealous about Bar-B-Q and the south. It was a good weekend.
---------------- Now playing: Outlaws feat. Bez Lennon - It's Not French, But It's F*cking 'Aving It... via FoxyTunes

Monday, July 07, 2008

Don't let my Nike+ mini fool you

I've actually been pretty active. Riding the bike everyday to work and almost everywhere else, including a 40 miler(approx). It's a heck of a lot easier than riding the mountain bike all over. Not that I don't like to, but it's such a heavy bike and this new street bike...isn't! It's pretty fast, and with the tailwind through Pasco, I was flying pretty fast! The ride back on the Kennewick side, not so fast and I was getting spent. Bike did fine until I got to Howard Amon park and one of the shifters started to act up. I was stuck in a low gear and that made the rest of the bike a bit tougher, but I survived. Shifter is fixed now and my rides to work have been just fine.

I've been remiss on my running, but I'll be getting back into that TODAY! I'd been planning on doing the Righteous Richland Sprint Triathlon, but with my lack of training I bailed. So that's two events this season I've bailed on, I'm giving myself the excuse that it's my first season, but I'm not going to bail on any more. Next are some cross country runs in Pasco, just for fun. Then the Aquaman Duathlon, run/swim/run. Should be some good events. Not to mention the Marathon in October. Oh, and I'll be doing double workouts too.

People have been getting to me lately. Just the underhandedness of the way they choose to go about things. It's not as if it's my business, but really, your suggestion that we remain friends, that I not be lost to you as such, yet you hide something from me and I have to find out from everyone else; not that it wasn't obvious, but really, I'd rather hear it from you. The only difference is how I'd deal with it now.

Plan A, get new job. Plan B, go back to school.
Now playing: Cut Copy - Future
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rewriting the new bike

I've burned my eyes out staring at and trying to rewrite my cover letter and make it awesome and poignant. And, say what's important without going over a page. It's below a page, but still a little long I feel. Currently I'm sick of looking at it and really feeling this is one of those weaknesses that I need to really improve on and make a strength, I just get so sick of it though. AAAAAARGH. I'm taking a break and going to dwell on it while I head down to Portland for Avenue Q and a family get together.

I'm anxious for Avenue Q, I get to dress up for the show. This is something that I enjoy. I admit my vanity, but I really do love to get dressed up, wear and look my best and be seen... I find it fun and I like to see how others look and what's in vogue. Of course the atrocities that some people try to pull off are pretty entertaining as well!!! I try not to pass judgment, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Reminds me of the formal I went to for new years...oh my gosh, ladies, there IS a difference between tasteful and trashy, please recognize the difference.

I'm stoked I got my new bicycle today!!! It's so cool, and I even got to ride it! Let me tell you it's a real joy to ride something so lite and nimble across the streets and I'm anxious to to get more miles on it. First, new tires and pedals. I'm just paranoid about punctures and I've been really pleased with armadillos. They make a 700 x 23, so I'm planning on picking some up in Portland. The bike came with clip in, but I don't have bike shoes and am not anxious to get any, so I'll also be looking for toe clips/cages for a little more power. Lastly, I need a more healthy seat and will be ordering that later after I try the one I ordered for the mountain bike...

Now playing: John B - Take me home
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Just writing for the sake of it

yes, no notable title, nothing of real interest, just writing to write and let things out or just muse about them. Bought a new bike, it's no fixie, but it looks bad a$$. I'm anxious to get it, it looks super fast and it's carbon fiber so it shouldn't be half heavy! I also bought a new saddle/seat, it looks decent, but I hope it doesn't make my bikes look to blah, it just isn't as sleek as a traditional seat. The seat can be found here. We shall see.

I've been thinking a lot about work and jobs lately and just how much I'm displeased with my current work environment and how much favoritism gets shown toward individuals simply because they subscribe to more traditional life styles. They have the wife, the family, the kids, etc etc. It just seems to me that a great deal of preference is paid to these individuals simply to accommodate them because someone like me is more versatile, yet through some irrational idea, also less desirable.

Big thing that's been on my mind lately is just a whole list of all the things I would like in a woman... This could be really extensive and at the same time it feels a little presumptuous and stifling. And I argue that away by saying, "why settle." I don't feel that I settle in other situations, but maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture. Anyhow, if I ever get this list created you'll see it here.

Other big thing on my mind lately, where the hell do all the people my age, with my interests, my motivations etc etc meet. I swear television has absorbed most people...and admittedly I'm guilty to some degree...
Now playing: ABC - When Smokey Sings
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Organic conversations with missed calories.

I've been getting more consistent with my running lately, it's good. The temperature has been climbing which I love and I've been trying to take as much of it in as possible. Getting more serious about my health and diet. Best thing I've found so far is Organic milk...never in all my life have I been a big fan of milk, just didn't really like it. But I'm sold on Organic milk, it's delicious! It tastes nothing like non-organic milk and I don't mind paying extra for it, simply because it tastes so good. I'm also very keen to try some grass fed beef, but having limited success finding a decent source for that. I'm very anxious to try it and I'm surprised to learn my father is interested in it as well.

I'm trying to get a decent source of healthful calories in as little volume as possible. I just can't, nor do I want to, eat that much. This makes it difficult for me to get healthful calories, and when I do, I feel too full. If anyone can suggest good healthful caloric low volume sources, I'm all ears!

I think the biggest thing I'm missing these days are the conversations... so good.
Now playing: Death From Above 1979 - Girl U R Lovely
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The thirty some-odd post wall

I'm now into the 30's for my postings and I feel them waining. Much like my speeches, which I haven't been able to complete more that 3 for no other reason that I'm lacking the initiative and a good topic. I believe I've remedied that now, think Sports Nutrition. I've been reading about it a bit lately, been trying to apply it to my diet, and I believe I could speak about it for at least a few minutes.

Speaking of hitting walls, it seems like I'm hitting a wall with running. I haven't really gotten back into the swing of things since my injury, things keep interrupting and I took so much time off for the injury... The last few runs have been pretty horrible feeling. One last week was horrible because my lunch was still bothering me, and just all the runs lately have been much weaker in comparison to April when I got my 100 miles in a month. I believe some of this is related to my diet, I'm getting lots of calories, but it's at a very high carbohydrate cost, and that is making me feel icky when I run. Of course running into the wind last night didn't feel good anyway...

Enough griping, here's my weekend summary: Friday, Bicycle polo - not quite the death trap I thought it would be, but there's plenty of potential. I had a good time and the group was really nice, so that made it pleasant! I'm really enjoying getting out and attempting all these great sports and I'm fortunate to be healthy enough to do so. Did some laundry that evening and left for Seattle in the AM. Drive was nice and uneventful, it was sunny when I left and when I got to Seattle it was rainy, big surprise. I don't mind the rain at all though and I went straight to my friends' apartment. Cecilia was there as well, a new friend who I actually went to High School with, she's cheerful and that's pleasant. Allan, of course, was there with his brother and we all just chatted a bit. Allan and I went out to a burger joint he's been raving about for ages and I finally got to go this weekend. Red Mill Burgers, it was good, but the server girl, I could totally see her thong. Any other circumstance and I wouldn't have thought twice about it...

After dinner Allan and I went to see Zohan. It was funny. Then we hung out at his place and I finally went to see Crystal Castles. They were good, but way too short of a performance. the crowd was decent, a surprising mix, and I had a good time. Met Allan later at his favourite bar and then several of us went to his place and crashed. Next day was the nicest I've seen in Seattle and I sat by the window, with a great view of downtown. Later that evening I drove home. I was a way too short weekend all in all.
Now playing: HEALTH - Tabloid Sores (Lovely Chords Remix)
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

More on the surface.

Now, it's not that I don't want to have actual connections with things or people, I do. I just want to make sure I'm not neglecting something and give as many things a go round. I also want those connections to be very...transparent. I don't want to give off the appearance that I'm strongly associated with one thing in particular, more that I'd like to give the appearance of being vaguely involved with many things. Connected, yes...Attached, vaguely.

Along with this I'm trying to throw out all forms of nostalgia...even though I've managed to foil that with my last purchase...the complete X-files, every season plus the movie... oh well, I only did it because I missed a few seasons over the years, so I'm playing a bit of catch up, and admittedly I do enjoy it... sign, still vestiges of my idealism.

Music, I don't know that I'll be able to escape nostalgia nor a deep connection with it...but some battles aren't worth fighting. New artist of the moment below:

Now playing: Ladyhawke - BOTV(Van She Tech Turbo Fire Engine Remix)
via FoxyTunes

Monday, June 02, 2008

Surface pressure

The one thing that I really identify with most anymore is the idea, taken from a song, and society really, is that I want to “slide down the surface of things.” (U2- Even Better Than The Real Thing) It isn’t some unconscious reaction to society in general, although I think it exists in society as an affliction. I just have no desire to be that attached to anything. I remember times in my life when I was so attached, so into a thing that it became something I was identified with, almost a lifestyle. I remember those times and think to myself, “Shoot, I missed something there.” I’d like to be open to everything, well, not EVERYthing, just I don’t want to miss out on anything because I’m so drawn into something else.

The most significant manifestation of this in my life currently is athletics…I’m not a super athlete, but I have the ability to, at the very minimum, attempt any athletic activity. Certainly I’d like to do it all really well, but just participating in athletics is a pleasure for me. Not getting terribly serious about any one activity, and giving as many as I can a try. Though, bicycle polo looks like a death trap…

Now playing: Tiga - Good As Gold - Original Mix
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Decision 2008

I've been looking up and down for a nice bike to race and ride around town on. I'm not anxious to throw down more than a grand for a bike, even though gas is getting outrageous. I think I'm finally onto the bike I'd like to get. Not as expensive as a super performance tri bike or anything like that, but still hopefully a fest little.... fixie/track bike. This is a whole new world for me, and I'm a bit intimidated by the idea of hopping on a bike with no brakes (traditional that is). It all looks very dangerous and I'm not super confident in my riding ability, especially sans brakes. I ride my MTN bike around town and do fine with it, but I do end up using the brakes. haven't had any close calls or anything serious, but I think if I'm riding a fixie it will put me into positions where I'm more likely to get into trouble. And if I'm planning to ride to work... morning traffic is a killer and I'd hate to be riding through that in the morning. I guess it's just going to take some getting used to all around though. Now just to get the bike.

Running has been not so hot this month, after taking a long time to recover from the foot injury, I'm been a bit hit and miss with day to day running. I think I've dropped a step or two and The last 3 miles I did really were not fun. It's incredible how much that recovery time affected my training. I just need to get back on it though and I should be fine. Sadly I've neglected many of my other chores lately, and now am debating a no show for tonight, when in fact I really need to get it done.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The road to recovery is filled with boredom.

Finally, after 2 weeks I'm finally feeling at 100%, so I get to start running again!!! Thank goodness, I was seriously going stir crazy for a bit there. So what did I do you might ask, well... Mostly I did things to the point that I could keep off my feet. Luckily we've had some beautiful weather here and we have a hammock at the house, so I was out on that a lot. I tried to read, but kept dozing off. It was fine, but I'd prefer to have accomplished some reading, I've been so remiss in my reading and the list of books I want to read keeps getting longer...and longer.

Speaking of reading, I'll just make mention that I'm keen to start reading some books about sports nutrition. I made a point to up my protein intake while recovering from this injury, as I think it was muscle damage, and I don't know that it helped, but I was keeping it in mind. I'd like to get more knowledgeable about sports nutrition, that can only help me in recovery and training, and I need all the help I can get.

After the run/walk of Bloomsday I continued to rest the foot, but did more walking around and things. I was very conscious of my step/gate, and made sure not to limp, to the best of my ability. I think I've recovered well, and my foot feels good, so we'll see how I do running on it. I think I'll start with a 3.

I helped my father do some work on Friday, that involved driving his little tractor around and burying some root guard material in the ground. The little tractor is kind of fun to drive around, and I didn't have much trouble with it, but it was so dirty out there...I was filthy when I was done. I did chores at home after that.

Saturday my brother and I drove to Portland to see my mother for Mother's Day. It was a really nice drive and we made good time. We saw my mother for a bit, walked around downtown Portland for a bit then went for dinner at a nice steak house. It was very good, but not the best steak I've had, surprisingly. Thank you Bro.

I just followed the links to Parallels myspace page, and let me tell he's got some killer tunes on there.
Now playing: Parallels - BacktoEarth.Mix.for.VALERIE
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Some Bloomsday Factoids

Finish Time: 1:31:09

Overall Place: 13,684 out of 42,697

Ran with a pace of 12:13 per mile

The average pace for 30-year-olds was 14:46

Placed 253rd among people the same age
Top 25

Placed 135th among people from Richland, WA
Top 25

Placed 10,164th among people from the State of Washington
Top 25

Placed 6th among people with the same last name
Top 25

Placed 7,729th among males
Top 25

Placed 125th out of 243 among 30-year-old males
Top 25
Now playing: Hollertronix - Never Scared
via FoxyTunes

Monday, May 05, 2008

Beautiful Bloomsday in the slow lane.

For the past week I've been being especially careful to not do too much on my injured foot. I had a couple days in which I didn't do anything, just rested the foot and laid around. It wasn't fun. I started getting to the point that I could walk on it and that was just in time for me to head to Seattle for Cut//Copy. They played an excellent show, a lot of fun and sold the place out. everyone was really cool and I really enjoyed getting to see them live, definitely worth going to see. I didn't get much time there so wasn't able to see my buddy Allan, but we spoke for a bit and we hope to get together for a baseball game or something! As I was watching Cut//Copy, I could feel my foot pop and then was able to put more of my weight on it, but it was still painful. I drove home after the concert and continued to rest my foot.

Mark, another buddy of mine invited me to a Pickle Ball tournament he was holding, so I went to that on Saturday. We had a nice time, ate some burgers, and played Pickle Ball and Wii. There were quite a few people there and the tournament went on for quite a while. After playing a couple games of Wii I left there about 10. I was had to go to Bloomsday on Sunday, so I had to get up early.

I set the alarm for 3 and got up about 3:30 to get ready for Bloomsday. My foot was still bothering me, so I fully intended on walking it, but I was going to do it regardless. I convinced Kate to follow through and go, especially since I'd be walking it. She did and we left for Spokane around 4:30/45. The drive up was nice and the weather looked good. by the time we got to Spokane it was clear and sunny with few clouds. It wasn't cold and wasn't too warm. We picked up our packets and headed to a drop off point to catch the bus down to the race start. We had to wait for a long time for our actual start time, and we just went to Starbucks for some snacks/coffee. After a bit we headed to the start and just stood around waiting for the start. After the start we jogged a bit, and I was surprised that my foot didn't bother me all that much. after getting through some of the crowd we walked a bit then jogged for a bit more. We were trying trying to keep an eye our for her brother who would be coming along behind us so we could run with him and somehow I was able to pick him out from the crowd as he ran by. We jogged and walked the rest of the way with a sprint at the end. I ran the entirety of "Doomsday hill" and was surprised how it wasn't as difficult as I expected, of course I hadn't been running much up to that point. After the race we got our t-shirts and went to a bar to shoot the breeze. we hung out for a while then Kate and I had to get back to catch our bus back to my car. The drive back was uneventful and we stopped at Kate's families for dinner then came home for a winning softball game. It was a great day in the sun!
Now playing: Vostok - Airplanes Main Mix
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Benched by a half mary injury


Shooot, this is not good. Just when I signed up for Bloomsday and the Fiasco in Pasco!!!! Now, I have a minor, but debilitating injury. So, I ran a bunch to achieve my 100 miles for the month, I did it!!! It wasn't bad, I crammed the last 14 miles into one run, it went well, apart from a nagging pain in my foot. It started at mile 7.5, "I was too far along to stop," I thought, "I don't want to walk this far back home," I thought. "I CAN do this," I thought. So I did it. I was at a moderate, but constant pace. I even threw in a sprint to the last 500M, and I did it, all 14 miles, no breaks, no stops. My feet hurt, but not as bad as expected. It was good. I ate well that night, I went to bed early, I massaged my feet... I woke up, I could not put pressure on my right foot. I grew very concerned. I went about my day, noticing that it didn't get any better, couldn't walk on it normally, and limped around on my heel. I made calls to get it looked at...1st place, can't see me until 5/14, no good; 2nd place couldn't see me until 5/1, not good enough; last place got me in today, thankfully! X-rays were good, no breaks, spacing good, bone structure is what's the problem? Seems to be sore connective tissue, maybe I could benefit from additional arch support, take some aspirin for the pain and swelling, when it starts feeling better, gradually begin working back up to the distances I was already at, cross train on low impact...AAAAAARGH, this sucks, I so wanted to do Bloomsday in less than an hour, now, I may not even walk it...not cool. Never the less, music is saving my soul. I'm enjoying the following:
Lykke Li

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Late Rage, Old Days, and Golden Ages...

Where to begin? There's been many moons since my last post, and I can barely recall what I did last night...ARG!!! I've been running late for most of the that time it would seem. Never the less I've been able to keep up a bit with my training(only a few miles behind the goal). But I was actually pretty successful with the Rage in the Sage race. It must have been that iTunes gift certificate that my roommate gave me! I took 3rd for my age group and had a reasonable time 1:28:28!!! That's a little better than how I performed on my practice runs, but still room for improvement. Pretty good for a first timer and I got goodies and a wine glass with the even engraved on it! Next is Bloomsday and I seem to be shaping up ok for that...I'm projecting a sub 60 min completion time. About a week after that is another Duathlon. I'd like to have a new road bicycle for that, but time is running out and they just don't come cheap...

I'm now into a new age group for competition. It's the SO old(30-34) age group...oh my! I had a nice birthday on the slopes, which was pretty dang good for this time of year!!!! I should have gone the day before on the fresh stuff, but there was still some good stuff on my day! It was a nice day with my sister for a couple runs, and a couple of my friends. One buddy, Mark, and I had a small collision which left a cut on his face, but otherwise it wasn't bad. I felt horrible about it, but he said he was good. Hopefully he'll still board with us... Also I got treated to a last meal of my 20's dinner and a birthday dinner... and 3 batches of cookies!!! from Kate... It's been good.

Otherwise, I've been running, surprise, and looking for the Golden Age... There is this lyric that keeps bouncing around my head about it being the "golden age," and I just can't place the song. It makes me think a lot about the way things are going in the world right now, and I know there has got to be the golden age out there somewhere, but where?

New goals:
Run more stairs - I did some at Fran Rish and I just need to do more
Sub 6:30 mile - I've been consistently around 7:00...I CAN get that extra .30
Plyometrics - this will help my speed and explosiveness, I also need the variety in workouts
7 miles a day - Just trying to up my mileage

I'm interested in Adventure Racing, used to watch Eco-Challenge and that always impressed me. I went ahead and bought a couple videos of Primal Quest. In planning for the Mt St Helens dash I'm setting a personal goal of doing a 6 mile an hour pace...So finish in 5 hours. I know the terrain is irregular, but I think this is a doable goal. I ordered an ultra light first aid kit for these type of adventures....
Now playing: Kissy Sell Out - Kissy Sell Out Xfm DJ Set!!!!!
via FoxyTunes

Friday, April 11, 2008

Stiff rest in sunny suburban pasta

It would seem I've been taking a bit of a rest from posting and running and all that I've been up to for the past month. It's been a really nice week, the sun has been shining a lot and I've tried to get out in it. I ran a 9 miler Sunday and that was the last huge run before this weekends competition. I've purposefully tried to take it easy. I ran again, working on speed, Tuesday and it sucked pretty bad. I just wasn't performing well. I did get a new best for the mile, 6:17, but it took a lot out of me and I was only able to barely squeeze out 2.5 miles. My opinion is that isn't good enough, especially considering how I felt. The next day my legs felt kind of stiff, I got busy at the house and had intended to run down to ULTY, but it got so late and I wanted to take it easy, so I just drove. It was so nice we played until probably 7:30 or 8. Again, my running wasn't up to par. Really slow compared to normal. I had endurance, but not my top speeds, and stiff legs. Yesterday I didn't run at all, just trying to rest my legs, and they still feel stiff, even today. I plan on running on them a bit tonight, to hopefully loosen them up. In prep for the race, I've been eating a lot of pasta all week. With all this sun, I've laid out on the hammock for the past couple afternoons for about an hour. It's nice!!!!
Now playing: Midnight Juggernauts - Road to Recovery (Curses! Remix)
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Blogs about Mt St Helens Trail Run.

Click this link: Loowit
Now playing: Deep Blue - The Helicopter Tune (Rob Playford & Rennie Pilgrem remix)
via FoxyTunes

Ultimately Running Late.

All last week I've been running late, I hate that. I don't think I woke up for the first ring of my alarm clock once. That only trickles down to the rest of my day. Dragged butt at work, Didn't get out of work in a timely manner, meetings ran late, then, to top it off, I ended up running in the dark, it was so late.

Monday's run was the longest I've gone. It was really good, took a while, but still good! unfortunately I succeeded in getting a blister on my foot. Not a big deal, just left it be, didn't even pop it, but tried to take it easy. I know I need to log miles in order to achieve my goal of 100 for the month, so I still ran on the blister. I did an easier run Tuesday, and it went fine, without too much aggravation of the blister. I took Wednesday off except that I was playing Ultimate, so that basically gave me sprint work. It was one of the nicest days we've had so far, 60 with no wind. I played well and ran pretty hard, still not much aggravation of the blister. Thursday was the latest day yet, I ran a bunch of errands after work, was preparing for a run when I remembered I had a meeting at 7. CRAP! That meant I was going to be running sometime after 9. Not that big a deal, but I don't have much in the way of night running gear.

I did go on that run, dressed in white, with a headlamp. It went pretty well, but then my blistered foot started to feel funny. It got to the point that I couldn't run on it. I decided to take a seat and take a look at what I was worried would be some kind of mess. It wasn't all that bad, just the blister had totally burst, and the skin was tearing away. I couldn't let that be, so I tore the rest of the skin off, only to reveal a smaller blister beneath that. AAARGH! I hobbled home and didn't get in until very late. I medicated it, and resolved to buy running specific socks.

I took Friday off from running. Tried to find somewhere in town that had the running socks I dice. I did buy a pair from REI, but they aren't the ones I had in mind. Saturday was a long day for me. my foot wasn't bothering me that bad and I know I've still got to get miles. I put on those running socks, got all stretched out and went out to the race course for 'Rage in the Sage.' I did the whole course, in the wind and the sun, in 1:31:23. I don't have any idea if this is a good time, we'll see this Saturday at the competition! My blister didn't bother me at all, and it should be even more healed by then. Just need to keep training.

Planning continues for the St. Helens run, logistics may prove difficult. May just end up doing it twice or something crazy like that.
Now playing: Corrupt Souls - The Singularity
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Mt. St Helens 30 miler

Here is a link to a rough map of the trail, Loowit Trail 216, surroinding Mt. St. Helens.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Est's, Bat's and Ghost Colours

Wahoo!!!! I got it, AND before it was actually released in the states!!! Cut Copy's new album, 'In Ghost Colours,' and it is pretty dang good! I even listened to the whole thing already!!! While on a run! ha ha, it was nice, smooth, upbeat, and groovy, like me!!! pffft ha ha j/k. Anyhow, it's a good album and I can't wait to see them this April in Seattle, after I've completed the 100 mile challenge for the Ollythoners.

Speaking of 100 miles, after I completed my goal of getting 30 miles in a month, I am already 7+ miles into my next goal of 100 for the next 30 days. I'm gonna rock it, in fact all of us are! It was while I was running that 7+ miles that I was listening to the Cut Copy album. While I was running through the park, I notices a bat kite in the tree, it seemed strangely appropriate. I also saw plenty of people and their pets; I don't mind people and there dogs, leashes or not(although there is a leash law), however this time one of the dogs got a bit too friendly and the owner had to come get it away from me. Not a big deal, the dog just wanted to play, but honestly if there's a leash law that you aren't going to abide, at least heel that darn animal! What it I were some kid and the dog did that? Just think about that. Or, what if I were more litigious, hmmm? Anyhow, the dog only wanted to play so not that big a deal, just control your pet. Never-the-less I was able to complete my longest run yet...7.88 miles according to Nike+, but still pretty close. Also Friday I did my fastest mile at 6:34 average over 3 miles. I dunno what I was eating that day, but I better get some more!?!? New goal: 6:20 average over 3 miles. And I better start getting those times at longer distances!
Now playing: Cut Copy - Far Away
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Live Justice in Sunny Seattle

Shame on me, I've taken the past couple days off from training even though I fully intended to train. My excuse is good though, I went to Seattle for a concert. I left home around 10 and headed up to Seattle on a really sunny day. It was a really sunny day and I was really glad to be out driving in it, can I tell you how much I love driving!?!?! I got to Seattle without any problems and just went straight to park and just walk around downtown. I've never been a big fan of Seattle as a place to go, so I'm still getting to know the area and do some exploring. It was probably the most sunny day I've ever seen in Seattle and that made it super! I walked all over and went to a few shops and even bought some new jeans, which has been a mission of mine for sometime. I went to Pikes Place, did some people watching and went to the totem pole and just looked out at the sea and back at the city...I swear it was the nicest day I've ever seen in Seattle!

I milled about long enough for my buddy to get out of work and I called him to get together. We ran some errands and went out for dinner at what we thought would be a good burger place, but it was closed, then the best mexican but it was packed, then finaly at a bar that was for the single 40's club, but the dinner was ok. After that I took him ot his place and headed to the concert I was there for. Diplo & Justice. I've seen Diplo before, and let me tell you, this was not his best performance, it was good, but he is so much better than how he played. As for Justice, I was expecting more of a DJ set rather than a PA, so was a bit disappointed when I got a PA. In fact, the whole thing wasn't all that good, I swear all the 21+'s are using fake ID's and I'm getting so much older, I just couldn't find any of my peers in the crowd. That and it was a Monday night, so the crowd was not so much...

Now playing: The Kills - Black Balloon
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I'm a little bit crazy.

I admit it, I still hold a candle for her.

I don't really know what more I can do. I've changed a lot, I continue to try to advance in my life, making choices that will make me a better person, not give up on love and not be a miserable bastard. I still have to admit, I'm hung up on my X of six years(left me 3 years ago). I've told her at least partly how I feel, that she heard or understood, I don't know.

The problem is two fold, I still believe she is the one for me, I believe in our love and that it could overcome all this. All our changes and these years included.

I firmly believe I'm a better person than the other guy, a better match for her, and that she isn't happy with him. There are few parts of my life which I think she would have a problem with, and I believe I'd be comfortable with hers...

Second, I believe that there is no one better for me... no more perfect match, whose company I could enjoy more and I would be more willing to include in my life. None more fun, more intriguing, more beautiful, that I could accept, that could accept me.

She recently married that guy, I found out from her mother; I guess telling her how I felt did not have the effect I would have liked, but this is something I shouldn't ignore.

Now playing: Heartsrevolution - C.Y.O.A.
via FoxyTunes

A shrinking feeling on a sunny route.

Ok, as per usual, I'll start with the music blog junk, skip to the next paragraph if you're uninterested. This does lead me to believe maybe I should start doing like a full on music blog, but really, I'm always so late int he game and so often things I'm turned off by on first listen actually grow on me and suddenly become faves...weird. A long time favourite of mine has been Future Sound Of London, FSOL for short. No, I haven't been into these guys from day one, but I've loved them since I first heard was the summer in Portland '96. I've collected quite a bit of there work, released or broadcast, ISDN, Radio 1 rips, etc etc. There is a ton of stuff out there, but now all of a sudden they have released 3 albums of previously unreleased work as well as 1 digital album of work they did under alias, and still another as their popular psychedelic electronic band, The Amorphous Androgynous. The second album by AA was a really cool neo-hippy, "psychedelic babble"(to quote them in a way) and I was really touched by some of the album. Again, I'm excited for more music from another band I really enjoy. Also, they've always been ones to embrace digital distribution(ISDN), and They have pretty much their complete library online at their own digital store!!!

Saturday was a sunny but slightly chilly day, it was great! I had rested Friday because I knew I would be riding the course for R/S, and was well rested Saturday morning. Fortunately there is a loosely organized group playing ULTY during the mornings, so I jumped into my poly-pro and headed out for that. I briefly considered sunblock, but figured I wouldn't be out long enough. The showing for ULTY was light, but we played for about an hour and had fun, got some sun, etc etc. It's a nice way to work on my sprint work, but the rest of my skills need some polish... After that I headed home and just bummed around until my sister came to take my bike out to the race course, or there about(I know, I should have ridden it there, right!)

I followed out shortly after that and tried to motivate my sister to come to the practice ride, but she had some kind of self-conscious fear, so I just went alone. The race director was really laid back, asked who knew the course and offered to guide those of us who didn't. he rode at a moderate pace with lots of stops. We even rode the run course, now I am familiar with all the course and even mapped it for my running group, the OLLYTHONERS!!!! After the guided portion of the ride, I struck out for a second ride around the course and put some effort behind it. I didn't do so hot, but now I have an idea of the effort level I need to get up to in order to do well. I still think I'll have a chance to place for my age group, but there are a lot of athletes out there and I'm very new at all this...

Unlike my sister, I've never had any real trouble with Nike shoes. Always liked the styles, the colours(most of the time) and they have almost always fit me well. Until recently. I swear they recently decided to recreate the standard with which they measure sizes. I used to always be able to wear one size Nike, without fail. Now, all of a sudden, I'm having to buy a half size smaller to get the same result. Am I shrinking, have I lost so much weight in my feel that I lost a half size? ha ha, no all my shoes still fit, just all the newer models are a half size to big...This sucks, because now I'm gun-shy to buy another pair until I try them on(yes I use ebay normally).

Without that sunblock, I did manage to get a little red...not quite burned, but you know, more pink....

To my sis and niece....keep up the good work, I busted out more than 5 miles today! Wooo Hooo, SWEAT!!!!
Now playing: Juiceboxxx & Dre Skull - Sweat
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

An excited Interview with one pissed brick.

The title has everything to do with the content!!

First I'm excite because I'm getting some music that I've been looking forward to for a long time! First, Crystal Castles!!! Although I'm pissed they had to cancel the show I was going to go to, I do get a signed copy of their recently released album!!!! Honestly, I can't say much about their music, to me it's just fun, but it's easy to see other people call it noise. Nevertheless, I've enjoyed all that I've heard and I'm really anxious to get the album!!! The Kills, are also out now and I'm excited for that; the two of them are a great combination and their last albums have been super, so if this one follows's going to be good! And, it's in the mail!!!! Also, further on the horizon is the Cut Copy album 'In Ghost Colours.' I'm listening to the first single off of it at the moment and let me tell you it's hot like stolen property. Briefly I'll mention a bit about the new Ladytron album...All I know is that it exists...I'm excited for it though.

To fly int the face of much of the superstition I have about interviews, I'm going to advertise it now, that I had one today. I think it went well. I even know one of the people who interviewed me, so that was interesting. Wish me luck;)

Other than that, the biggy thats been occupying my mind currently is pissing me off is that I seem to have lost or misplaced my 4Gig jump drive!!! I've searched all over for that thing and I can't find it. I took it to the library one day and I'm pretty sure I was careful to take it with me when I left, but I'm starting to doubt that. I even went to the library and asked if it had been turned in, but it hadn't, so now I'm searching high and low. On the surface this isn't such a big deal, and I know of only one other place it could be, but I won't know if it's there for a couple days. I just have quite a bit of information on there that I don't want to recreate, nor want anyone else getting their hands on. Therefore, I'm pissed at myself for that...DANG IT!

I've been sticking with training lately, which I'm pleased with. I know I'm not getting runners high yet, but I'm actually enjoying it and the ipod helps. My legs are slowly getting back and I actually put together a small brick today in order to train for my first ever duathlon. I actually mimicked the duathlon that I'm competing in by doing a 1.5mi run, 5mi bike, 1.5mi run. All of that, back to back. I just need to boost the distances and I'll be doing the same as my duathlon, scheduled for 04/12/08. I don't think I'm doing as I can, but I know I'm building up to it. It actually wasn't as hard to run after biking as I thought; perhaps I work harder on the bike?

I keep checking/mapping the routes of the some of the competitions I want to do and I get a little bit intimidated. I have a lot of time to train and prepare for some of them, but I want to do well and actually maybe qualify for other competitions(Boston Marathon, yes really). Certainly I want to do well, even have some really good performances, but honestly it's been so long since I did any of this running stuff. I like it, but shoot, I've been lazy for a while. It's good to be back into it. I feel like I'm getting back to something that I've been missing. I can also feel how my body is doing better and I'm craving more healthy food's, even more than before, and that's a good thing!

I've been getting the chance to see my old buddy from college lately! It's awesome. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed his company, but it sure is nice to have such a good friend back in my life, and just a general good guy. Now, if I would just work on my other friendships. You know who you are, and I hope all is well for you! Tel next time.

Now playing: Cut Copy - Lights & Music - Boys Noize Happy Birthday Remix
via FoxyTunes