Friday, December 12, 2008

Sometimes I just want to drive until my iPod runs out of music

And by sometimes I mean lately that's been most times!

No! I'm not trying to escape anything right now, but I don't think you could blame me. No, it's just that I have a lot of good music and I just want to keep going and going and...

I do also have a lot of wanderlust at this time. I'm coming to an understanding of how little of this world I've seen and how much of it I do care to see. So, I'm thinking I should just keep going. I have made some awesome drives in my day, but I'd like to take some time with them from now on. I mean, the whirlwind drive non-stop from Nashville, TN to Boise, ID will always be epic in it's sheer scale and impetuousness, but I'd really like to take the time to actually see what there is to see between here and there, where ever that might be.

And, yes, I would like to get away a bit. I mean, jeez, things have been dreadful lately and this cold weather is getting to me!

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