Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The unnatural yellow of yellow mustard.

I admit, I like the stuff. I've liked it since I was a child, but I also like most other mustard... Still, is it me or has the yellowness of yellow mustard gotten to some extremely weird hue? I don't think it was ever any natural yellow color, but now it seems to have gone to some point off the scale of what's natural or appetizing. Maybe it is the fluorescent lighting, maybe my eye's are bad(partly true), maybe it's trying to get peoples attention, and maybe the yellow 5 and yellow 6 got mixed wrong; but it really seems to be this almost neon yellow color. In quantity it looks like bright vomit(sorry that's gross), and when you spread it out you could simulate the sun it's practically blinding! I'm tempted to use it as paint for anything I want to see at night, maybe they should use it for street signs etc etc. It's just so obscene.

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