Friday, December 26, 2008

2009 looks to be the year

I see no obstacles to it happening. I've had the will for ages. I've been a member of the fan club for the past year. U2 is threatening to tour, supporting their new album! I will see them this time!

I fell in love with the band with the 'Achtung Baby' album. During the ZooTV tour I was 14 or 15 I believe, and just missed the opportunity to see them. My sister-in-law had won tickets to the show; I really wanted to go, but age and circumstance prevented it. Every subsequent tour U2 went on I never got to go for one reason or another. Usually when they were in town it was during finals week so I couldn't go; Popmart tour - I had finals, Elevation tour - actually saving my money for a trip and I wasn't loving the album, Vertigo tour - probably the closest I've come to seeing them since ZooTV but I just couldn't commit to seeing the last show in Boston and tickets were pricey.

This time I'm planning ahead, saving the money, and going to go no matter what I think of the next album! There is no reason for me not to see them this time around and I deserve it!

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