Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The progress of my typical head cold.

This is just so I can try and remember what to expect in the future.

Day 1. Feel a little tickle in my nose/sinus.
Day 2. Begin to feel a dry/scratchyness in the back of my throat/sinus.
Day 3. Cold sets in, sore itchy throat, congestion.
Day 4. More of the same. Fever/chills start in the evening. Lot's of hydration.
Day 5. Begin expectorating, congestion is reducing, big sleep.
Day 6. Expectorating continues, sore throat gone, no congestion. Feel good enough to do anything.
Day 7. Still very dry sinuses. Occasional cough.
Day 8. More of the same, but feeling well enough in general.

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