Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm trying to remember something interesting

but I really can't. I've got a lot of thoughts circling my little head, but don't want to jump the gun by blurting them out here, and the rest are just things that will be answered very soon anyhow...

Ah, yes, I remember, a conversation I had recently about the relationship between Kenya and I. No, this is not a lament, just a matter of fact; the question being, "If you two were together for so long, why didn't you get married?"

To understand where that question comes from you'd have to know that we were together for AGES(6 years). The simple answer is that she and I, always in conversation, agreed that we never would get married, that we didn't need it, and it wasn't necessary for our relationship to progress. It started out that we agreed that we weren't "forever." I always felt that she needed to be free and not settle down soon. That also applied to me, I never felt I was ready for that, and even if I was, I wouldn't have known.

After we'd agreed we weren't "forever," things just progressed as they might. We shared all the good things in a relationship and very few of the bad. I guess in that progression "forever" for me became marriage, and for her... well, honestly it never, ever, came up or I never heard it from her.

A long time later, and some of my own mistakes, looking back I can say we got into a rut and neither of us had the time to do anything about it. We both were back in school, me finishing my degree and her part way through, both working. We rarely saw each other, I had little time for anything and when I did I wasn't the most pleasant, always having things on my mind... Communication broke down and ultimately I was so focused on school I didn't see breakdowns in our relationship. I still had faith we didn't need marriage, faith in our relationship, and I'm sure she believed I'd be reluctant to marry or engage since we'd always agreed that we weren't "forever."

All in all, it just never really came up as a serious conversation and by the time it probably should of, we were both beyond anything like that.

Now I'm just beyond.

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