Saturday, November 08, 2008

Figured I better get something up here.

Got a new CD in the mail today, all the way from AUS(OZ). Been waiting a bit for it and was concerned it might get lost in the move, but it came!!! The Bang Gang, D is for Disco, E is for Dancing, a follow up to their Light Sound Dance double from what seems like only a few months ago, but I guess it was more like a year. It's another jam packed discoey dancey hand clappy thing as they do best. Being for AUS they feature several nods to Australian artists and songs, which are of fine with me since I seem to be picking up a fair share of artists from there. Stand outs are the always pleasant Fred Falke; so synthy Cut Copy; and some new noise from TMVR!!!

That's it, not much going on else...

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