Thursday, October 30, 2008

Something that makes me smile

The accessibility of Drum and Bass and it's producers. Now, I'll be the first to admit that Dn'B isn't the most lovable music out there, but I can think of a lot worse. Never-the-less, I fell in love with the music many years back, as in over 13; wow, it's really been that long! That's probably the longest most consistent thing I've got, and these day's it's been much less significant to me; getting old I guess? I digress, one thing I've always appreciated about it is how easily I've been able to get in contact with the producers of songs that I really like. Not all the time, but more so than not. It's really a close knit group that significantly utilizes the internet for all facets of the genre; the subculture surounding it onto production across borders and oceans and naturally distributiona nd promotion. I'm smiling now because I got a responce from a producer about one of his songs I've heard demos of recently, 'Cloudspotter', by Simon V. Thankfully this song will see release soon on the "'Ambassadors 4' compilation, coming out early next year on!" Yay for transparency and Thanks for the good song. Hear a sample.

Now playing: Cloudspotter
via FoxyTunes

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