Tuesday, October 21, 2008

An old item from way back

So I was rummaging through some of my old things today, kind of throwing things out, kind or organizing, etc etc when I cam across a little"ticket" from ages ago. It was when I was 19 or so, the first night I met Tera, if recollection serves me. The circumstances of that part of my life mean that this was some sort of clandestine engagement in a dark building in Spokane, which housed a party. This was one of the more memorable ones because the location was really interesting, the lighting was simple and effective, and there was an interesting theme to the party. At the entrance to the party, at the back of this old brick building, and beyond the "coat check," was a gift alter with little knick-knacks and doo-dad's that you could take. Strewn across it also were these little tickets; the subject of this post. I didn't want to take anything big and grabbed one of the tickets without looking at it. On the ticket in bold print were four phrases which I have always felt related to me in some weird, some would call it karma, way. So, I happened upon this ticket and here I post these four phrases; I'll leave it to my friends to let me know if it really relates or I'm just being fanciful:

a night in june
a pleasant smile
a short-cut
a long vacation

There you have it, just as it was printed. Bonus points for anyone who knows the name of the game this ticket belongs to; the back of the ticket has a marching bugler type character with a suitcase that has the words "Russell Games" written on it? Super mega bonus points for anyone who was there and recognizes anything I've described or can name that party? Building details are that at the time it was used for Paint balling and the walls were painted black!!!

I threw it away.

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