Saturday, December 27, 2008

So, What are your favourite movies of all time?

This is the lead in to a recent discussion that I had with my brother and his wife. My answer is difficult to confine, because I can't really say any movie specifically, I've just never been fully reached by any movie to the point I'd call it a favourite. I've liked a lot of movies for a lot of different reasons and I can only watch a few over and over, and even those I can't do for extended periods of time. In the interest of coming to some answer to the question I'll just have to put a list up and explain why they're high on my list...somewhat categorical as well:

Donnie Darko: has been one I liked a long time; existential love story; the directors cut did more to bash you over the head with existential arguments, the original was much better and subtle.

Star Wars: A "western" in space, what more could a guy want... only the original 3 do I really favor.

Indiana Jones: A "western" treasure hunt, just plain good adventure. Again, only the original 3, lets not even mention that last atrocity....

American Psycho: Just a great criticism of 80's society and some great acting by Christian Bale...perhaps a bit morose.

Young Guns: A really fun western shoot em up!

Alien: One of the best Sci-Fi horror/thriller films with one vicious alien.

Aliens: This time a great action Sci-Fi film.

Moulin Rouge: Tragic love and music, I just think it was a fun film.

Virgin Suicides:

Dune: The idea of a messiah is always interesting to me. A vast nothingness has always enticed me that there is something more beneath the surface...

There are more I plan to identify, but I'll have to come back to this...

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