Saturday, September 13, 2008

My first surgery, woo woo! (Adenopathy)

I went in for surgery for the first time in my life a bit ago. I was very excited, not nervous but anxious, for it as it was my first. I don't live far for the surgery center, so I walked down. I arrived and checked in. I was in the waiting room for not long at all, and a nurse came and escorted me back to a room for pre-op. I stripped down and put on my gown with the little stockings that they have you get in. The nurse started me on an IV of electrolytes/saline, and took my temperature and general bio-info. The first doctor to see me was my anesthesiologist; she was a nice woman who looked extremely familiar to me, but I couldn't place her. I think she just has one of those faces that is common, in a good way. While I was speaking with the anesthesiologist, telling her I wanted local anesthesia only, my surgeon came in and marked on me where he wanted the incision. After that the surgical nurse came and wheeled me into the operating room. There, I was helped onto the operating table and covered with some sheets. After a bit the anesthesiologist began to administer the local and then the surgeon began. After a little bit I began to feel a bit of what seemed to be slicing, which I mentioned. After that, I didn't feel anything else. The anesthesiologist was at my head, and kept speaking to me which was nice. She told me when it was out and I asked if I could see it. A little later, they showed it to me and I was surprised how big it was. It wasn't long and they said I was all done and they began having me get up and out, back to the pre-op waiting area. I sat there a while with the nurse and the anesthesiologist. They left what they took out of me, and I grabbed it and tried to get a better look at it. The nurse asked if I wanted my sister, and I said if she wanted to come back it'd be fine. After that, we waited a bit until they said I could go, and they wheeled me out to my sister in her truck.

Overall this was a really pleasant experience, I'm healing well, and I have no predjudice against seeing the doctor in the future. I await my biopsy results...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it weird that you were excited since I would be totally terrified. I give you credit for being brave