Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Live Justice in Sunny Seattle

Shame on me, I've taken the past couple days off from training even though I fully intended to train. My excuse is good though, I went to Seattle for a concert. I left home around 10 and headed up to Seattle on a really sunny day. It was a really sunny day and I was really glad to be out driving in it, can I tell you how much I love driving!?!?! I got to Seattle without any problems and just went straight to park and just walk around downtown. I've never been a big fan of Seattle as a place to go, so I'm still getting to know the area and do some exploring. It was probably the most sunny day I've ever seen in Seattle and that made it super! I walked all over and went to a few shops and even bought some new jeans, which has been a mission of mine for sometime. I went to Pikes Place, did some people watching and went to the totem pole and just looked out at the sea and back at the city...I swear it was the nicest day I've ever seen in Seattle!

I milled about long enough for my buddy to get out of work and I called him to get together. We ran some errands and went out for dinner at what we thought would be a good burger place, but it was closed, then the best mexican but it was packed, then finaly at a bar that was for the single 40's club, but the dinner was ok. After that I took him ot his place and headed to the concert I was there for. Diplo & Justice. I've seen Diplo before, and let me tell you, this was not his best performance, it was good, but he is so much better than how he played. As for Justice, I was expecting more of a DJ set rather than a PA, so was a bit disappointed when I got a PA. In fact, the whole thing wasn't all that good, I swear all the 21+'s are using fake ID's and I'm getting so much older, I just couldn't find any of my peers in the crowd. That and it was a Monday night, so the crowd was not so much...

Now playing: The Kills - Black Balloon
via FoxyTunes

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