Monday, March 31, 2008

Est's, Bat's and Ghost Colours

Wahoo!!!! I got it, AND before it was actually released in the states!!! Cut Copy's new album, 'In Ghost Colours,' and it is pretty dang good! I even listened to the whole thing already!!! While on a run! ha ha, it was nice, smooth, upbeat, and groovy, like me!!! pffft ha ha j/k. Anyhow, it's a good album and I can't wait to see them this April in Seattle, after I've completed the 100 mile challenge for the Ollythoners.

Speaking of 100 miles, after I completed my goal of getting 30 miles in a month, I am already 7+ miles into my next goal of 100 for the next 30 days. I'm gonna rock it, in fact all of us are! It was while I was running that 7+ miles that I was listening to the Cut Copy album. While I was running through the park, I notices a bat kite in the tree, it seemed strangely appropriate. I also saw plenty of people and their pets; I don't mind people and there dogs, leashes or not(although there is a leash law), however this time one of the dogs got a bit too friendly and the owner had to come get it away from me. Not a big deal, the dog just wanted to play, but honestly if there's a leash law that you aren't going to abide, at least heel that darn animal! What it I were some kid and the dog did that? Just think about that. Or, what if I were more litigious, hmmm? Anyhow, the dog only wanted to play so not that big a deal, just control your pet. Never-the-less I was able to complete my longest run yet...7.88 miles according to Nike+, but still pretty close. Also Friday I did my fastest mile at 6:34 average over 3 miles. I dunno what I was eating that day, but I better get some more!?!? New goal: 6:20 average over 3 miles. And I better start getting those times at longer distances!
Now playing: Cut Copy - Far Away
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Nice work!!! Hell's yeah, we are so ready for Bloomsday, we'll be rocking it.
Okay, YOU will be -- I expect you to be waiting for me at the finish line with a frosty beer. ;)