Sunday, March 09, 2008

Why don't we just keep the same time

After losing this last hour to an age old practice that has no place in modern society, I'm under the impression that it amounts to squat. Nothing changed, I just got up earlier than I was anticipating; I still feel the same, I still made it to work, the sun still rose...No benefit was gained.

I got new cleats. I have had a horrible time buying cleats over the years. I've bought ones that felt nice in the store, to only have them feel kill my feet on the turf, I've had ones that have fallen apart in minutes, and the last pair I bought are so awquard it felt like I was going to break my ankle. Finally, friday I got some new one which I think are going to work. I'm wearing them now, trying to break them in, while I right this, and they seem to feel ok. A little tight, but that's why I'm breaking them in. I've had a bit of a love affair with red lately, and although the cleats aren't totally red like my nike shox, they have red high lights and I like it...never-the-less, we'll see how they hold up in ULTY this season.

Yesterday was a really good day. The sun was shining, the snow was softening, and I was on it! Finally, my roommate(Jon) made good on skiing, and we went and met some college buddies of his at Mission Ridge. I've never been to fond of Mission, but this was a good trip and Jon really surprised me. He'd indicated he hadn't skied much, and when he had it was on not so good conditions. I didn't really know what to expect, I was really surprised to see how much he attacked the mountian and got into it. It was really cool of him. The weather was really nice up there, blue bird all day, and the snow got really soft for a couple hours and made for a really pleasant day. This makes my 12th day of boarding this season, and I think the most I've gone since I was in high school...It's good to be donig this much boarding. The funny thing to me is this; Jon says this is some of the best snow he's ever skied on, while I'm thinking at least the sun is softening it up.

It would appear that I have entered into a time when I'll be running my legs off, rocking my socks off, and riding my bike until the wheels fall off!!! The bike(Silver Bullit) has been getting ridden for the past couple days off and on. Only about thirty miles, but it's more miles that it was getting while sitting in the garage. I'm going to be running tonight in order to begin my training for several runs I plan on running soon. The first appears to be Rage in the Sage with my sister, a duoathlon of running and biking. Next is Bloomsday, still a maybe, but I'm leaning in that direction. In addition to these running opportunities, I plan on doing ULTY agian and have already played a couple games, so that is a good running game. Rocking, will of course be all the concerts coming up...I'll have to determine some runs to do while I'm in those areas as it will provide me some new scenery...

Sigh, so I tend to lose patience and focus when it comes to this blogging stuff, so here's a list:
running more; cooking more because I can't go out and buy what I want to eat(orange rolls) and I want to control my diet for fitness; facebook I caved and joined; I want a garmin gps forerunner; I would like to figure out how I can be more successful.

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