Monday, July 07, 2008

Don't let my Nike+ mini fool you

I've actually been pretty active. Riding the bike everyday to work and almost everywhere else, including a 40 miler(approx). It's a heck of a lot easier than riding the mountain bike all over. Not that I don't like to, but it's such a heavy bike and this new street bike...isn't! It's pretty fast, and with the tailwind through Pasco, I was flying pretty fast! The ride back on the Kennewick side, not so fast and I was getting spent. Bike did fine until I got to Howard Amon park and one of the shifters started to act up. I was stuck in a low gear and that made the rest of the bike a bit tougher, but I survived. Shifter is fixed now and my rides to work have been just fine.

I've been remiss on my running, but I'll be getting back into that TODAY! I'd been planning on doing the Righteous Richland Sprint Triathlon, but with my lack of training I bailed. So that's two events this season I've bailed on, I'm giving myself the excuse that it's my first season, but I'm not going to bail on any more. Next are some cross country runs in Pasco, just for fun. Then the Aquaman Duathlon, run/swim/run. Should be some good events. Not to mention the Marathon in October. Oh, and I'll be doing double workouts too.

People have been getting to me lately. Just the underhandedness of the way they choose to go about things. It's not as if it's my business, but really, your suggestion that we remain friends, that I not be lost to you as such, yet you hide something from me and I have to find out from everyone else; not that it wasn't obvious, but really, I'd rather hear it from you. The only difference is how I'd deal with it now.

Plan A, get new job. Plan B, go back to school.
Now playing: Cut Copy - Future
via FoxyTunes

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