Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sun, Rafting and Bar-B-Q

I have to admit I'm still threatening to get back on top of my running habit, but I've still been biking tons, it's good! I really like my new bike and I'm nearly convinced to get some clip-in's but the ones I'd like are so dang expensive... I'll wait.
I did do a running competition last week though, it was probably the most horrible day to run so far. There was a lot of wind and blowing dust, I swear I inhaled enough to make me sick. It was a small field of runners due to the weather I suppose, but I stuck with it and was able to get 2nd in my age group. The next one will be better, especially since the weather will be... I hope! My time was slower than I expeced, but I do blame the wind for that, as well as the fact I rode my bike over to the site, that was 11ish miles. Good cross-training, just not so good before a running race. The ride back was horrible as there was a complete and total headwind. I didn't try pedaling hard against it, but I tried to keep pedaling. It must have take twice as long to get back home as it did to get to Pasco.
My sister finally got me in the boat with her on the brand new "Blue Steel" raft. It was my first float and was pretty good. The water was freezing and nobody went in, but we did get splashed and that was freezing. We floated the same part of the river twice, and finished the day with a stop at the local Bar-B-Q which, according to my roommate, was suitable. I'd consider himt he expert in this regard as he is very zealous about Bar-B-Q and the south. It was a good weekend.
---------------- Now playing: Outlaws feat. Bez Lennon - It's Not French, But It's F*cking 'Aving It... via FoxyTunes

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