Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Late Rage, Old Days, and Golden Ages...

Where to begin? There's been many moons since my last post, and I can barely recall what I did last night...ARG!!! I've been running late for most of the that time it would seem. Never the less I've been able to keep up a bit with my training(only a few miles behind the goal). But I was actually pretty successful with the Rage in the Sage race. It must have been that iTunes gift certificate that my roommate gave me! I took 3rd for my age group and had a reasonable time 1:28:28!!! That's a little better than how I performed on my practice runs, but still room for improvement. Pretty good for a first timer and I got goodies and a wine glass with the even engraved on it! Next is Bloomsday and I seem to be shaping up ok for that...I'm projecting a sub 60 min completion time. About a week after that is another Duathlon. I'd like to have a new road bicycle for that, but time is running out and they just don't come cheap...

I'm now into a new age group for competition. It's the SO old(30-34) age group...oh my! I had a nice birthday on the slopes, which was pretty dang good for this time of year!!!! I should have gone the day before on the fresh stuff, but there was still some good stuff on my day! It was a nice day with my sister for a couple runs, and a couple of my friends. One buddy, Mark, and I had a small collision which left a cut on his face, but otherwise it wasn't bad. I felt horrible about it, but he said he was good. Hopefully he'll still board with us... Also I got treated to a last meal of my 20's dinner and a birthday dinner... and 3 batches of cookies!!! from Kate... It's been good.

Otherwise, I've been running, surprise, and looking for the Golden Age... There is this lyric that keeps bouncing around my head about it being the "golden age," and I just can't place the song. It makes me think a lot about the way things are going in the world right now, and I know there has got to be the golden age out there somewhere, but where?

New goals:
Run more stairs - I did some at Fran Rish and I just need to do more
Sub 6:30 mile - I've been consistently around 7:00...I CAN get that extra .30
Plyometrics - this will help my speed and explosiveness, I also need the variety in workouts
7 miles a day - Just trying to up my mileage

I'm interested in Adventure Racing, used to watch Eco-Challenge and that always impressed me. I went ahead and bought a couple videos of Primal Quest. In planning for the Mt St Helens dash I'm setting a personal goal of doing a 6 mile an hour pace...So finish in 5 hours. I know the terrain is irregular, but I think this is a doable goal. I ordered an ultra light first aid kit for these type of adventures....
Now playing: Kissy Sell Out - Kissy Sell Out Xfm DJ Set!!!!!
via FoxyTunes

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