Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Benched by a half mary injury


Shooot, this is not good. Just when I signed up for Bloomsday and the Fiasco in Pasco!!!! Now, I have a minor, but debilitating injury. So, I ran a bunch to achieve my 100 miles for the month, I did it!!! It wasn't bad, I crammed the last 14 miles into one run, it went well, apart from a nagging pain in my foot. It started at mile 7.5, "I was too far along to stop," I thought, "I don't want to walk this far back home," I thought. "I CAN do this," I thought. So I did it. I was at a moderate, but constant pace. I even threw in a sprint to the last 500M, and I did it, all 14 miles, no breaks, no stops. My feet hurt, but not as bad as expected. It was good. I ate well that night, I went to bed early, I massaged my feet... I woke up, I could not put pressure on my right foot. I grew very concerned. I went about my day, noticing that it didn't get any better, couldn't walk on it normally, and limped around on my heel. I made calls to get it looked at...1st place, can't see me until 5/14, no good; 2nd place couldn't see me until 5/1, not good enough; last place got me in today, thankfully! X-rays were good, no breaks, spacing good, bone structure is great...so what's the problem? Seems to be sore connective tissue, maybe I could benefit from additional arch support, take some aspirin for the pain and swelling, when it starts feeling better, gradually begin working back up to the distances I was already at, cross train on low impact...AAAAAARGH, this sucks, I so wanted to do Bloomsday in less than an hour, now, I may not even walk it...not cool. Never the less, music is saving my soul. I'm enjoying the following:
Lykke Li

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