Sunday, April 06, 2008

Ultimately Running Late.

All last week I've been running late, I hate that. I don't think I woke up for the first ring of my alarm clock once. That only trickles down to the rest of my day. Dragged butt at work, Didn't get out of work in a timely manner, meetings ran late, then, to top it off, I ended up running in the dark, it was so late.

Monday's run was the longest I've gone. It was really good, took a while, but still good! unfortunately I succeeded in getting a blister on my foot. Not a big deal, just left it be, didn't even pop it, but tried to take it easy. I know I need to log miles in order to achieve my goal of 100 for the month, so I still ran on the blister. I did an easier run Tuesday, and it went fine, without too much aggravation of the blister. I took Wednesday off except that I was playing Ultimate, so that basically gave me sprint work. It was one of the nicest days we've had so far, 60 with no wind. I played well and ran pretty hard, still not much aggravation of the blister. Thursday was the latest day yet, I ran a bunch of errands after work, was preparing for a run when I remembered I had a meeting at 7. CRAP! That meant I was going to be running sometime after 9. Not that big a deal, but I don't have much in the way of night running gear.

I did go on that run, dressed in white, with a headlamp. It went pretty well, but then my blistered foot started to feel funny. It got to the point that I couldn't run on it. I decided to take a seat and take a look at what I was worried would be some kind of mess. It wasn't all that bad, just the blister had totally burst, and the skin was tearing away. I couldn't let that be, so I tore the rest of the skin off, only to reveal a smaller blister beneath that. AAARGH! I hobbled home and didn't get in until very late. I medicated it, and resolved to buy running specific socks.

I took Friday off from running. Tried to find somewhere in town that had the running socks I dice. I did buy a pair from REI, but they aren't the ones I had in mind. Saturday was a long day for me. my foot wasn't bothering me that bad and I know I've still got to get miles. I put on those running socks, got all stretched out and went out to the race course for 'Rage in the Sage.' I did the whole course, in the wind and the sun, in 1:31:23. I don't have any idea if this is a good time, we'll see this Saturday at the competition! My blister didn't bother me at all, and it should be even more healed by then. Just need to keep training.

Planning continues for the St. Helens run, logistics may prove difficult. May just end up doing it twice or something crazy like that.
Now playing: Corrupt Souls - The Singularity
via FoxyTunes

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