Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Decision 2008

I've been looking up and down for a nice bike to race and ride around town on. I'm not anxious to throw down more than a grand for a bike, even though gas is getting outrageous. I think I'm finally onto the bike I'd like to get. Not as expensive as a super performance tri bike or anything like that, but still hopefully a fest little.... fixie/track bike. This is a whole new world for me, and I'm a bit intimidated by the idea of hopping on a bike with no brakes (traditional that is). It all looks very dangerous and I'm not super confident in my riding ability, especially sans brakes. I ride my MTN bike around town and do fine with it, but I do end up using the brakes. haven't had any close calls or anything serious, but I think if I'm riding a fixie it will put me into positions where I'm more likely to get into trouble. And if I'm planning to ride to work... morning traffic is a killer and I'd hate to be riding through that in the morning. I guess it's just going to take some getting used to all around though. Now just to get the bike.

Running has been not so hot this month, after taking a long time to recover from the foot injury, I'm been a bit hit and miss with day to day running. I think I've dropped a step or two and The last 3 miles I did really were not fun. It's incredible how much that recovery time affected my training. I just need to get back on it though and I should be fine. Sadly I've neglected many of my other chores lately, and now am debating a no show for tonight, when in fact I really need to get it done.

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