Monday, August 04, 2008

Google apps is super

I've been geeking out for the past couple of days on google apps. I'd been threatening to put some pictures on Picasa for sometime... I finally followed through, it's easy and seems secure also. I only posted one album of my roommate Jon, friend Mark, and I hiking the Multnomah Falls area. It was one wet trip; had been totally clear on the drive down there and as soon as we got there it started raining...for the whole hike. The other cool goggle app I've been impressed with is reader. All I can say is, 'slick!" I never realized, 1. how much stuff I read on the interwebz, 2. how much other stuff I want to read. I'm such a consumer of information. I subscribed to my friends blogs, several music blogs, and several news sites esp New York related(call me crazy). Now if Google can just come up with a calorie calculator, workout tracker, food journal, and etc etc... Maybe I'll send them a note

Now playing: Girl Talk - Feed the Animals
via FoxyTunes

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