Sunday, August 31, 2008

Memory Re-Enactment 1

This is a memory about 7 or 8 years old. Special thanks to Terry and Kenya(yes, really) for adding to the story details. Names changed to protect the innocent.

It was the weekend, date I can't confirm. My buddy Terry was down from Spokane for a party, I was with Kenya at the time. Evening started typically, Terry's friend was throwing a party at the tunnel; an old railroad tunnel under the interstate near the Washington/Oregon border. Vodka and Gatorade were involved. The genius behind this was myself, believing it to be better than mixing it with anything else...could have been wrong there? We mixed the drinks in the Jack in the Box parking lot on 395. Terry had some rum and mixed that with soda he bought at Jack in the Box. I don't know if I drank on the drive down there, but I doubt it. We made the drive, I drove. It was dark, it was warm, we got there and Terry and I started drinking.

There were a few people there already, a lot of cars lined the road and we had to park a ways back. Terry and I took our Gatorade bottles mixed with vodka and walked up to the tunnel.

Halfway down the tunnel, a table was set up with speakers and turntables. There was a generator out the back of the tunnel. Quite a few people were in the tunnel, lingering about, or on their way. Kenya arrived later with some friends and we met up later. We walked into the tunnel; since Terry was going to be playing, I brought my records just in case. The acoustics in the tunnel were horrible, “like playing in a ventilator shaft.”
It was going to be a while before Terry got to play, so we went on exploring the area; there was another cave further down the road.

Kenya and I walked on down the road, out the tunnel, into the cool night air.

It was a beautiful summer night and we were up for "adventure." It was only a short distance to the next cave and we all walked there. Terry hung back because he’s more social than I am, and was talking to a lot of his friends. I was hesitant to go into the dark cave without any light, it was so dark and the cave seemed so vast.

We continued inside, and the cave seemed so huge, almost like there was a cavern inside. We caught up with a few people in the cave and tried to look around a bit, then continued on.

Because it was night, the cave seemed to go on and on, but it finally did come out and all we could hear was other people talking and the river water. Terry came through a bit later, walking through the second cave, telling the girls that were with him to hold him because he was scared, which was some bullshit he made up so women would touch him in the dark and he didn't have to pay for it.

We all headed down closer to the water and while Kenya went with some friends to a rock formation that was jutting out into the river, I began speaking with a couple of guys who wanted to go up on the cliffs. They seemed like nice guys and together we went up a steep trail to the cliff above.

The hike seemed pretty short. We got up there and were looking around. I've always been afraid of heights, and I wasn't anxious to step so close to the edge. We rummaged around up on the cliff for a while until someone got the bright idea to start throwing rocks into the river; probably me. I loved this idea and began merrily chucking rocks off the cliff and shouting "boom sha-la," “oh gosh!” and other classic Jungle MC phrases. Terry was down below with Brittany and a few other people when I was up above chucking rocks, screaming. Kenya was still with people out on the rock outcropping as some of these rocks seem to have come very near to hitting them.

This went on for several minutes until I heard Kenya screaming my name as she stormed up to the cliff, "Adam, what the hell are you doing?" "There are people down there, you could've hit someone!" Not to be misunderstood I tried to point out, “I’m not throwing the rocks at the people, I’m throwing them to the water.” This didn’t help my case and she was very angry with me; read me the riot act as she marched us all down the slope back the tunnel.

It was a gentle slope back to the tunnel and was traversed with ease, even in my condition. We walked under the power lines and could hear the loud hum from overhead.

When we got back to the tunnel Terry was up to play, he played for a while and then let me play for a bit. I really messed it up because I was not at all sober, and the acoustics mentioned earlier, but I had fun. Later, I went to the car and passed out for a long while. I awoke when the police came and broke the party up, sending everyone home, stating that they could see our lights from across the river and that it was a dumb place to have a party because of that. Terry must have left earlier with someone else because he only remembers me telling him about the cops, and I know it was late because a lot of people had already left and there were a lot less cars on that little road.

1 comment:

TiffanyJoy said...

Ok we mixed the vodak and I think we also had rum cause I remeber buying a large soda in Jack in Box parking lot and then drove to the location.

I remember walking threw that second cave cause I keep tell the girls that where with us to hold me cause I was scared witch was some bullshit I made up so a women would touch me in the dark and I didn't have to pay for it.

I was down below with Brittany and a few other people when you where up above chucking rocks screaming boom sh la and Oooooooooo My gosh and a few other classic Jungle Mc catch phrases.

The place where we played acoustics where for shit cause it was a metal tunnel and it would be like playing in a ventilator shaft.

I never saw the cops but I remembering you saying that they came upon you sleeping in the car and told you it was time to leave