Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Organic conversations with missed calories.

I've been getting more consistent with my running lately, it's good. The temperature has been climbing which I love and I've been trying to take as much of it in as possible. Getting more serious about my health and diet. Best thing I've found so far is Organic milk...never in all my life have I been a big fan of milk, just didn't really like it. But I'm sold on Organic milk, it's delicious! It tastes nothing like non-organic milk and I don't mind paying extra for it, simply because it tastes so good. I'm also very keen to try some grass fed beef, but having limited success finding a decent source for that. I'm very anxious to try it and I'm surprised to learn my father is interested in it as well.

I'm trying to get a decent source of healthful calories in as little volume as possible. I just can't, nor do I want to, eat that much. This makes it difficult for me to get healthful calories, and when I do, I feel too full. If anyone can suggest good healthful caloric low volume sources, I'm all ears!

I think the biggest thing I'm missing these days are the conversations... so good.
Now playing: Death From Above 1979 - Girl U R Lovely
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

J Yang said...

check out
they are based in walla walla but you can order online and they deliver to kennewick every other week