Friday, June 12, 2009

Somekind of explanation.

lifecrisis - basically what I feel like I'm in
scream - I can't scream it all away, I can't scream loud enough to feel any better
drown - I am drowning in a mess of things
fight - I just want to fight it all
run - I can't run enough, I can't run away, I miss running so much
break - I want to lash out, break something, but the relief wouldn't be realized.
grin - and bear it
jump - I can't jump far enough out to fall away from things
tearaway - I feel like I need to tearaway from all things these days
embrace - I try to embrace it all, smile and enjoy it, but sometimes...
liberate - I don't know if I'll ever be liberated from this mess
fall - away
dream - I dream big
revolt - I want to revolt against it
bash - and crash and break away
amass - I've amassed too much
push - I push it all away
reject - I don't think I must abide by the status quo
confuse - I'm confused of what best to do
conflict - I'm conflicted, could you tell?

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