Sunday, June 28, 2009

My itunes listening process!!!

So I'm finally getting halfway into my new mode of listening to Itunes. My problem is I have a ton of music...A ton, dang music blogs... So, I have a ton of music, and not all of it I've listened to. Shamefully, I haven't been an equal opportunity listener. N E Ways, I've organized my Itunes such that my play counts sync form the Ipod and now I'm whittling down the list such that the play count on everything is at least at 1. This, will take a very long time, but I do listen to my I-pod predominantly in the car, so that helps. Still, this is a monumental task.

How I'm doing it; first sort songs by play count, all the zeros come to the top, grab a bunch and put them in a specific playlist I'm syncing on my ipod, play through them, then sync again so all the play counts get added, remove all the ones with a play count from playlist, add more that don't have a sounds harder than it is.

I have a pretty nice stereo in my car; nice in that it directly links to my Ipod, so I don't have to fight with radio tuning etc etc. I'm able to access the ipod from the stereo and browse songs, etc etc. Only thing that would be helpful, if it would let you rate songs as they play. I'm trying to rate more of my music lately, just to add another bit of meta information, and not being able to do it on the fly with my car stereo is a minor inconvienience...note to Sony, fix this!!!

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