Friday, June 12, 2009

HEARTSREVOLUTION… Not the band. (Incomplete)

I’ve been doing a lot of critical evaluation lately with regard to how I want to live and what I want out of life (like I do) and I think some of my conclusions are starting to take hold… I think…

Anytime is the “right” time: This is mostly with concerned with relationships, but it can be applied generally. Specifically, going through all I’ve been, and my ideals of what makes a relationship good, or doable, I’ve been preventing myself from getting involved in any greater degree than friendship. The primary reason for this is my belief that it just isn’t fair to anyone to bring them into this mess and because of this mess, it just isn’t the right time. My recent conclusion, which I’m embracing, is this; Thinking like that, there never will be a “right” time, there will always be any reason it isn’t the “perfect” time. If no time is going to be the “right” time, then my thinking needs to change to accept that anytime is the right time. Now if they are unwilling to deal, then they aren’t the right “…” Embrace the chaos, and enjoy the ride!!!

The more I possess, the more I’m possessed: Old thought, often philosophized, I’m trying to apply it to my life and quit. I know it’s in my nature to be a “collector” of things, and I have a tendency to feel the “need” have things so I can do other things. I’m attempting to refine this to the minimum required. As an example, it isn’t necessary for me to wear all the soccer gear just to play pick-up. This is a trivial example, but it’s along the lines of what my pattern has been in the past. Next, I don’t need several(more than one) of some things in order to be well equipped for anything. I do not need more than one pair of snowboard goggles, so long as I have one really excellent pair.
This thought of having the one excellent pair speaks a lot to my natural tastes in that I prefer to buy the, my opinion, best of some things and use it to it’s full potential rather than just repeatedly buy inferior versions. Wal-Mart and other “made in china” retailers take note, I’d rather spend more, once, than less, over and over. It just makes more sense to me to have something I’m confident in rather than something I’m not.

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