Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Old Post 07/31/02

ok, I know I started this a long time ago, and I do really intend on keeping up with it, it’s just that I procrastinate and just end up making myself busier….I really need to work on that. So the whole reason I started this is for several reasons really, one being that I think it is a good Idea, I believe it nurtures thinking in a more focused and directed manner, it is good practice for my keyboarding skills which are rather lacking, and on the suggestion of my current instructor. He is the instructor at cbc who teaches Technical Writing 205. I took this class hoping to gain a new skill, but it doesn’t’ really seem that I will as I don’t feel that I am learning much from my instructor. Oh, shit, well I didn’t got to bed last night, and as I sit here I am really getting tired, so I will leave it here now…sorry.

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