Thursday, July 04, 2002

Old Entry 7/04/02

July 04, 02

So. This would be the beginning of a little journal I am trying to start writing. Not so late, but late never the less. My girlfriend suggested that I should write about procrastination, but I would like to save that for later. I guess what I would like to write and keep is the thoughts I got from this magazine I saw today.

The magazine is called ADBUSTERS and the few issues I have seen seem right up my ally. But in this issue in particular they were doing an article about the give up tv week and someone had been asked why they actually gave up tv? Their answer is what struck me. They said something like “we wanted to see what would happen to us, to see what would happen if we weren’t exposed to media.” Now that is just cool, cause I mean, how does media affect us? We are constantly bombarded by it, no matter what, the labels, the magazines, the newspapers, signs, etc. etc. I feel like everything that isn’t blank is media that is affecting you in some way. But what would happen if that was gone. I’m afraid that it would mean that more people would go around imitating each other, but I am hopeful that it would mean that people would really think about more things. Hopefully it would make people less inclined to spend money (I think for me it would). As the saying goes out of sight out of mind, right? But lets not dismiss this so easily. Why is that, how does our sight(if it is just sight) have such power over us? And is it really sight that has the power of the images, or the ideas created by the images. I’ll use myself as I probably know myself better than anyone, but I would have to say it is the ideas create by the images. I know when I hear about new records/music I get this image in my mind of myself giving people a good time or on some level bringing them some better understanding through me creating a “comfort zone” in their mind. And that really is it, I just think of myself as some person at the center of attention somehow making things better for people.

But back to the ad busters, what would happen if I had never been given that image? Would I still be me? I like to think I would still like jungle, but how much of your “self” is over ridden by these images and ideas that society has prescribed for us. I would have to say probably a lot, judging from all the ways I seem to feel I can’t live with out all my “things.” Lets classify these a moment: food – most of it I do need so we can’t really say much but there is a lot to say about my eating habits. Then there is air – that’s a no brainer. A roof – well that’s really debatable, but society requires it. Same for clothes also. So then there is everything else. Oh boy is there everything else.

So there is the x files. Yeah I know a bit dorky, but if you get right down to it; it is 2 things, one I want to believe (or I even do) not so much in the show, but the premise. Then there is I like how it makes me feel. It pleases the believer in me and makes me think that there may not be a higher calling or anything, but there is something more to everything.

I’m gonna stop here, but I will try to explore this more in the future.

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