Sunday, July 07, 2002

Old Post 07/07/02


ok, so I haven’t quite gotten on top of the whole doing this everyday, but I really have trouble getting things done everyday. But anyhow…
I haven’t really thought of a topic to talk about , so let me suggest school. School is going ok so far, I seem to be enjoying it. But what I really need to talk about is the whole money thing. I just picked up an application for FAFSA. Which I really do intend on doing, I even think I could probably get a bit of money for school and everything. Cousin Tom really convinced me to go and get it, him and the fact that I can’t afford anything anymore so I am really worried about that. I mean I can’t make enough at work, can’t seem to find a better job, and can’t get to a point in class that is going to get me a better job yet.
I am really quite motivated to finish up with class, more just so I can leave my crappy job and start not having to worry so much about my money. And that seems to be the only thing I really do worry about. I have been pretty protective of my GPA and actually doing good in most of these classes so I am hoping that it will pay off soon. I guess really I don’t have a whole lot to say about school. Just I am glad that I have the chance to, that my boss is good about letting me go, and that I really want to do well with it. I just really need more time and to put in more effort.

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