Tuesday, July 09, 2002

Old Post 07/09/02

July 09, 02

I have a really good topic for today…one I could probably write on all night, but, lets just try to get some of my main points on it.
REALITY, yes, “there’s something out there, it’s called reality,” “there is still no such thing as reality,” etc. etc. I can’t recall all of the different lyrics from drum and bass about it, but the one I like the most is “there is still no such thing as reality.” I really have to believe that. I tend to lean toward the idea that reality is what we perceive, and we can manipulate that perception in ourselves and others to a lesser degree. Lets say color for instance; why is red, red, or blue, blue etc etc. Because we have been told they are, so we know the name to associate with it, I guess this really comes down to name calling for this point, and what causes our perception of red is the light hitting the back of our eyes. So maybe something more abstract. Like speed. We know it is fast when the speedometer tells us that it is, so is it still when we don’t even know how fast we are going. Our senses may tell us that the ground is moving by faster, but we could train to be used to that, so it wouldn’t really be perceived as fast over all. But speed is really measured in time, so if it takes a shorter time, is it more descript to say it was fast, or it was shorter. I guess the context really is what we need to focus on, but the context is another basis of our reality, or lack of. But I don’t think I’ve really captured my idea on reality here at all. So maybe we know something is real, but why. Because we have told ourselves it is, or it has been told to us so much that we have been brainwashed to see most things as reality. Again I am having trouble making much of a point on this, probably because reality is so relative to the individual. What make a person feel hate, they perceive something negative or wrong from someone so they are inclined to spark this reality for them, while their perception itself is a projection of their perceived reality.

I seem to really be having trouble trying to make any point regarding this, so I will try more later, but I need to try to get out my thoughts, so...

If we can manipulate our reality so that certain things are perceived by us in one manner or another, then we should be able to manipulate all of our perceptions so that they fit a different or more perfect reality. Like for instance, those damn blind taste tests. I bet that without the sense of taste and smell most things would taste like one another until you know what it was. Like tonight I brought home some Gatorade clear and I have three different varieties. So I have all three in the fridge label-less and when I drink one I really don’t know what flavor it is supposed to be, but I can get a bit of and idea?

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