Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The reply to my neice about training

My training has been spotty so far. first runs were awesome, but now I'm in quasi recovery. I ran last night and it was the worst I've run in my life I think... Goals: Sub 8 minute miles is the biggy. I can do that on short runs, but I need to get that for longer runs, IE Bloomsday. Otherwise my goals are to stay diligent with training and continue developing my form. More multisport competition should be cool to. Interested in the Mary, but not feeling much excitement until it's closer. Other goals would be to do the 30 trail run around Mt St Helens sometime....
Brea, I'm sure you can knock out 100 mi in a month, thats 25 a week, 5 a day with recovery sweat! lets all keep it up and rock this Mary!

1 comment:

seeing it all said...

You rock!