Sunday, March 23, 2008

I'm a little bit crazy.

I admit it, I still hold a candle for her.

I don't really know what more I can do. I've changed a lot, I continue to try to advance in my life, making choices that will make me a better person, not give up on love and not be a miserable bastard. I still have to admit, I'm hung up on my X of six years(left me 3 years ago). I've told her at least partly how I feel, that she heard or understood, I don't know.

The problem is two fold, I still believe she is the one for me, I believe in our love and that it could overcome all this. All our changes and these years included.

I firmly believe I'm a better person than the other guy, a better match for her, and that she isn't happy with him. There are few parts of my life which I think she would have a problem with, and I believe I'd be comfortable with hers...

Second, I believe that there is no one better for me... no more perfect match, whose company I could enjoy more and I would be more willing to include in my life. None more fun, more intriguing, more beautiful, that I could accept, that could accept me.

She recently married that guy, I found out from her mother; I guess telling her how I felt did not have the effect I would have liked, but this is something I shouldn't ignore.

Now playing: Heartsrevolution - C.Y.O.A.
via FoxyTunes

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