Wednesday, March 19, 2008

An excited Interview with one pissed brick.

The title has everything to do with the content!!

First I'm excite because I'm getting some music that I've been looking forward to for a long time! First, Crystal Castles!!! Although I'm pissed they had to cancel the show I was going to go to, I do get a signed copy of their recently released album!!!! Honestly, I can't say much about their music, to me it's just fun, but it's easy to see other people call it noise. Nevertheless, I've enjoyed all that I've heard and I'm really anxious to get the album!!! The Kills, are also out now and I'm excited for that; the two of them are a great combination and their last albums have been super, so if this one follows's going to be good! And, it's in the mail!!!! Also, further on the horizon is the Cut Copy album 'In Ghost Colours.' I'm listening to the first single off of it at the moment and let me tell you it's hot like stolen property. Briefly I'll mention a bit about the new Ladytron album...All I know is that it exists...I'm excited for it though.

To fly int the face of much of the superstition I have about interviews, I'm going to advertise it now, that I had one today. I think it went well. I even know one of the people who interviewed me, so that was interesting. Wish me luck;)

Other than that, the biggy thats been occupying my mind currently is pissing me off is that I seem to have lost or misplaced my 4Gig jump drive!!! I've searched all over for that thing and I can't find it. I took it to the library one day and I'm pretty sure I was careful to take it with me when I left, but I'm starting to doubt that. I even went to the library and asked if it had been turned in, but it hadn't, so now I'm searching high and low. On the surface this isn't such a big deal, and I know of only one other place it could be, but I won't know if it's there for a couple days. I just have quite a bit of information on there that I don't want to recreate, nor want anyone else getting their hands on. Therefore, I'm pissed at myself for that...DANG IT!

I've been sticking with training lately, which I'm pleased with. I know I'm not getting runners high yet, but I'm actually enjoying it and the ipod helps. My legs are slowly getting back and I actually put together a small brick today in order to train for my first ever duathlon. I actually mimicked the duathlon that I'm competing in by doing a 1.5mi run, 5mi bike, 1.5mi run. All of that, back to back. I just need to boost the distances and I'll be doing the same as my duathlon, scheduled for 04/12/08. I don't think I'm doing as I can, but I know I'm building up to it. It actually wasn't as hard to run after biking as I thought; perhaps I work harder on the bike?

I keep checking/mapping the routes of the some of the competitions I want to do and I get a little bit intimidated. I have a lot of time to train and prepare for some of them, but I want to do well and actually maybe qualify for other competitions(Boston Marathon, yes really). Certainly I want to do well, even have some really good performances, but honestly it's been so long since I did any of this running stuff. I like it, but shoot, I've been lazy for a while. It's good to be back into it. I feel like I'm getting back to something that I've been missing. I can also feel how my body is doing better and I'm craving more healthy food's, even more than before, and that's a good thing!

I've been getting the chance to see my old buddy from college lately! It's awesome. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed his company, but it sure is nice to have such a good friend back in my life, and just a general good guy. Now, if I would just work on my other friendships. You know who you are, and I hope all is well for you! Tel next time.

Now playing: Cut Copy - Lights & Music - Boys Noize Happy Birthday Remix
via FoxyTunes


seeing it all said...

3 hours and 10 minutes for Boston, and 3 hours and 40 minutes for me. I actually think that is something very much achievable! It sorta boosts my spirits even more!

Teresa said...

Congrats on the interview! Something will come up. I think you need to be the guy who picks theme music for movies and stuff. You'd rock. Lots of movies and stuff like to play that weird obscure stuff that only you seem to be able to find.
Boston Marathon -- Holy 'Mokes!!!
SEe you tomorrow for the practice run. I'll be the one about 2 miles behind you, but don't wait for me!!! That's just embarrassing.