Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oh, you again!

Ok, wow, I bet this is a surprise. Yeah pretty much died on the vine, but now I'm getting on it again, trying to use my goggle calendar a bit more and embed it in something since I can't put it in myspace...what a bunch of crap.

So, What's been happening!?!?!? Tons and nothing, all at once really. Finally finalized that relationship from the previous post. That was long and drawn out, but it's all over now!!! Followed that a few months later with another relationship that was actually pretty good and although it didn't work out I've gained a friend which is a nice change of pace. It's funny, there isn't really a tangible reason we didn't work, but it just wasn't there. Thankfully we both took it well and like I said, a new good friend. I finally caved and told the one woman I believe I could have married that I'm still in love with her... it didn't go as well as I'd liked, but I feel strangely relieved and good about it. Now, solo and enjoying it like I do!!!

I've moved again, now I have a roommate in a really cool house. I'm digging it, mostly.

Snowboarding, got 7 days so far, should be breaking 10 this month and that's good for me!!! Loving winter!!!

Lots of concerts coming up this spring and I'm stoked. See my calendar and I'll see you there. all shows are either Portland or Seattle. I'll see you there!?!?!?

Best and Ta! for now.

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