Monday, December 18, 2006

An open letter to another failed lover (not pity)

I know I've hurt you. I know you find it hard to believe, but I do care. I know that no amount of explanation from me will be enough, but I did try to make it clear to you. I don't quite understand it in myself, but I just don't seem to be able to admit the degree of intimacy that I do feel until long after it's too late. It's hard to miss how angry you are with me, but you've got to understand that I couldn't resolve my issues and I felt terrible to constantly be holding myself back from you because I didn't want to get hurt. I didn't think it would become the problem it did when I first entered into it with you. I didn't consider our previous experience to be very tangible, as back then I was in such a different state. I honestly believed I was at a point that I could accept and deal with everything in ways that would be good for us. And, we know I 'm no angel and a social retard, but I am still capable of caring and woman, believe me, I do. And no, I didn't plan it and certainly don't have any other agenda. I have been honest with you, just, I suppose, not about my feelings (No, that doesn't do me a lot of good).

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