Thursday, December 28, 2006

1st day of Snowboarding

Yesterday I went for a little ski trip up to Mission Ridge. I had gotten my buddy Mark, from work, and my sister to go and we had a nice little trip. We started the day at around 5:30 just leaving to drive the somewhat long way up to Mission Ridge. It was chosen mostly because I hadn't been there before and it is one of Mark's favourite mountains to ski. So, making the long drive up there we ran into a bit of rain mostly, but overall it was a decent drive. The roads were all pretty good and traffic was light. I'll give myself an 'attaboy' there for wanting to leave super early.

We got to the mountain a bit before the chairs actually started running, so basically right on time. Got a nice, close, parking space and began to suit up. This was the first season that I actually have really good snow gear, so I knew I was going to be warm. I had just recently finished purchasing DUB Weathergear outfits, so not only was it new, high quality gear, but it was DUB, which, back when they were still in business, was a company I didn't find disagreeable.

All geared up, we went and grabbed out lift tickets, got bathroom breaks, and got on the chair up the mountain. The first chair was for the lower part of the mountain, a slow two man chair, which is for the green(beginner) runs. Off that chair is just a little ride down to the recently(last year) installed high speed quad, and from there is a quick zip up to the mountain top. Mark indicated this was a vast improvement to the mountain; this was another motivating factor for choosing to ski there as Mark hadn't been to it since the addition of the quad.

The day turned out really we, I got a lot of runs in and thankfully I didn't feel a bit cold or get wet at all. The only time I felt cold was when we started packing things up and I took off my gloves. So it was a nice day on the mountain, with some friends/family and I hope to do it again. Thanks go out to my sister for her enthusiasm(such a ski bum) and Mark for driving! Cheers guys, hope to do it again soon!!!!

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