Friday, December 12, 2008

Working on some things for this one

Lately I've been doing some things I've been meaning to do and I've come across some old journal entries and things that I'm hoping to put up here. I've already posted up some entries from 2002 you can find in the blog archives. Things from when I was quite a bit more philosophical and a bit younger too.

Posted up an old draft from earlier this year reflecting on Kenya and I. It no longer applies, so it's there and I don't have much else to say about it...

Also I'm working on some other posts from old things I've found and thoughts I'm ruminating over. I found some old correspondence between an old girlfriend and I and re-read it and found some good advice/observations on her part that I need to remember; I'll share those. Also found a autobiography I started, might work on that for you. Also an account of the trip Kenya and I took to London, I'm going to see if I can get some help to flesh that out and get it on here. Finally, there are a few things on my mind that just are the usual for this blog, so... sometime, I guess.

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