Friday, April 11, 2008

Stiff rest in sunny suburban pasta

It would seem I've been taking a bit of a rest from posting and running and all that I've been up to for the past month. It's been a really nice week, the sun has been shining a lot and I've tried to get out in it. I ran a 9 miler Sunday and that was the last huge run before this weekends competition. I've purposefully tried to take it easy. I ran again, working on speed, Tuesday and it sucked pretty bad. I just wasn't performing well. I did get a new best for the mile, 6:17, but it took a lot out of me and I was only able to barely squeeze out 2.5 miles. My opinion is that isn't good enough, especially considering how I felt. The next day my legs felt kind of stiff, I got busy at the house and had intended to run down to ULTY, but it got so late and I wanted to take it easy, so I just drove. It was so nice we played until probably 7:30 or 8. Again, my running wasn't up to par. Really slow compared to normal. I had endurance, but not my top speeds, and stiff legs. Yesterday I didn't run at all, just trying to rest my legs, and they still feel stiff, even today. I plan on running on them a bit tonight, to hopefully loosen them up. In prep for the race, I've been eating a lot of pasta all week. With all this sun, I've laid out on the hammock for the past couple afternoons for about an hour. It's nice!!!!
Now playing: Midnight Juggernauts - Road to Recovery (Curses! Remix)
via FoxyTunes


Teresa said...

today's going to be gorgeous!
As for me, I've been carb-loading for the past 6 years, so I'll probably win this event. ;)

seeing it all said...

dude, MIA more than me! hope everything is still rocking for you! Heard you did awesome at the R/S.
keep it up!