Thursday, February 11, 2010

A couple great videos about our relationship with food.



So, what are my thoughts on all this; or, rather, am I going to become a vegetarian or raw vegan? I'm not convinced I'd be able to give up meat. I enjoy, too much, a great steak, corn beef hash, fresh oysters, most seafood; I also like cheese in most cases, and some other dairy. I am interested in getting closer to some of the practices of a raw diet. Taking the approach that I'm getting from Mark Bittman, more fresh vegetables and a smaller amount of meat. Maybe make it more of a treat than a staple...truth is I'm somewhat like this as it is, I'm not eating much meat, and when I do it's not a 16 oz steak; that does sound good though!! Anyway, some intelligent people here, talking about a key to our survival.

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